WITH a view to groom swayamsevaks for expanding Sangh work and to discover their latent talent, RSS organises residential training camps all over Bharat in summer. Almost 50 camps are held every year spanning over a period of three months from April to June. The first such camp of this year, Pratham Varsha Sangh Shiksha Varga of Uttar Tamil Nadu was inaugurated on April 17 at Pammal Sankara School in South Chennai district.
The school Principal Malathi Balakrishnan inaugurated the camp by lighting the traditional lamp and offering flowers to Bharat Mata. The programme began with Ganapati homam at 5.30 am Sahakshetra Pracharak Shri Sthanumalyan and Sahvyavastha Pramukh were the kartas of the homam. Varga reception committee member Shri Siva Sastrigal performed the homam.
In the beginning, Varg Karyawah Shri P Prakashji welcomed and introduced the adhikaris. Prant Sahbouddhik Pramukh Shri TS Ravikumarji’s speech elaborated the purpose of the 20-day training. School secretary Dr Gopalan, Vargadhikari Shri K Ponraman, Prant Sahkaryavah Shri S Sambamurthy were also present on the dais.
A remarkable feature of such camps is that the entire management of the camp is done by the swayamsevaks with active support and participation of the local community. For this purpose a house-to-house contact programme was undertaken by the teams of swayamsevaks with about 15 swayamsevaks in each team. They visited around 310 houses in the vicinity of Pammal Sankara School on April 14 and invited people for the programme. About 23 people in the vicinity agreed to volunteer themselves at the camp. A large number of them attended the inauguration ceremony. A total of 202 swayamsevaks from different parts of Uttar Tamil Nadu Prant are undergoing training at the camp.