NATION may refer to any state or country having its own boundaries, but the most legitimate definition may be said to be, large number of people mainly common decent, language, history etc. usually inhabiting a territory bounded by defined limits and forming a society under one Government. Nation can, of course, refer to any government, ancient or modern, but in this context it refers more particularly to groups that maintain common culture, despite being widely scattered, the red Indian Nation of North America, the Jewish nation (Israel) that some how survived despite its scattering during the Diaspora.
Nationalism is a patriotic (devotion) feeling towards the nation, which promotes freedom, prosperity and honour for its people. It works on principles of equity and equality amongst its citizens. It is a continuous and consistent effort to bind the people of India into one homogenous unit. The principle of nationalism is devoted towards the people and recognises each of its citizen’s, e.g. Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, forward, backward and dalit as equal and one. Love, respect and bonding between the people, guided by healthy and progressive attitude of co-operation and sentimental attachment towards every fellow citizen, is nationalism. In this world of global competition, it is a medium of recognition for India in social, political and economic fields.
Nationalism has a direct relationship with development, which is reflected by the development of the last man standing on the step of progress. In the list of G-8 countries, we find the names of two nation’s Germany and Japan which had gained independence (from dictators) along with India. Both today are economically powerful and developed nations. After World
War II, Japan and Germany were the most suffered and distorted nations. Their economy was badly shattered, young and productive citizens killed and there was large-scale destruction of everything everywhere. We may say that it is not fair to compare India with these countries considering the population and other factors.
Let us examine it logically. The Indian population is too big no doubt, but per km density of population of Japan is far more than that of India say about two times. To say in precise Japan is more thickly populated than India. Let us examine economical effect of population in the growth of a country. The national growth of a country is measured by Gross Domestic Product commonly known as GDP of a country. This is defined as the sum of all goods and services produced in a country. Now let us evaluate the four factors of productions as defined by economic principles. They are land, labour, money, and entrepreneur (management). Out of these the last three are totally relevant to the man and population. The money is the saving, which a nation makes and employs in production. The saving of Indian citizens is high compared to other nations. The entrepreneur is a one who takes risk, the management factor of the undertaking and is denoted by technical and managerial skills; here also Indians are leading, with one of the worlds’ largest and best skilled, intelligent, dynamic and progressive man power. Here the only restricting factor is the land, which developed countries like Japan, has made up by building multi-storied buildings, modern technique of agriculture and reclamation of sea land. Is there any difference between, Indians and Japanese men?
Are Japanese physically and mentally more strong, intelligent or dynamic. The reply would come in negative. It is only the human mind and the patriotic love, unity and devotion towards the nation that makes the difference. It is a saying that goes very well with Japan, “Where there is a will there is a way”. The mind and its attitude rule everything of human development and progress. Let us examine the cultural and social structure of Japan. Japan is a democratic country with a very different work culture. When a Japanese worker is dissatisfied and thinks of fighting for its rights, firstly he stops talking to the management, then wears a black batch in protest, and then if his demands are not met they double or triple the production, making the management helpless, owing to heavy rejection of goods and locking of working capital and Goods. Japanese never think of closing the gate and stop working, as they love their nation and know that the nation cannot afford unutilised man-hours.
Culture is art, taste, living style, customs and manners, type of intellectual development or civilisation of people. Indian culture is commonly known as Hinduism, Bharatiyata or Hindutva and has been defined by the Supreme Court as a way of life. The Gazetteer of India clearly mentions Hinduism or Hindutva as having the same meaning. Indian culture and civilisation, had stood the test of thousands of years, has been built, most of all by the labour, sacrifice and wisdom of Hindu sages, mystic saints, savants and patriots and the people themselves. The Hindu characteristic of tolerance in faith, beliefs and observances has asserted itself, new modes of living together in harmony.
There is similarity between customs and habits of the Hindus, Christians and Muslims despite religious disparity. In important matters connected with the ceremonies of birth, marriage and death, their ceremonial is broadly speaking, similar. This was no-doubt due to the fact that the majority of the Muslims and Christians are Hindu converts, who were deeply attached to their old habits of life. Many of them celebrate, perform and relish Hindu customs and festivals, and till date many Muslim families are performing certain rituals and festivals of Hindus. All sections of people enjoy, participate and celebrate the functions of each other. Social life being shaped by the administrative set-up economic developments and contemporary religious trends have seen varied changes all converging upon of the Hindustani values and a general enrichment of life. The Muslims and Christians have learnt to live as Indians, regard India as their home, adopting much in their dress, food, manners and customs, superstitions, social divisions etc.
The essence in Hinduism has led to the research for universe in religion. Indian culture and its basic principle of unity and living in harmony have stood the test of time. The true spirit of Hinduism has ignored all barriers of caste, creed and religion. From times immemorial it is there and found acceptance from Turks, the Persian, the Arabs, the Moghuls and English and all other foreigners and is today a fusion of several other cultures, with the more emphasis on building creative minds, thoughts and Hindu way of spiritual enlightenment. It was instrumental in binding the Indian society into one harmonious unit.
Indian civilisation is one of the oldest in the world. An evaluation and analytical study of history and archaeological excavation and research, Hindu historical text produces it as the oldest. It was so advance, developed and practical that it found acceptance in most parts of the world. The Indian culture, religion, education, spread and influenced almost every corner of eastern Asia, which includes China, Thailand, Malaya, Burma, Indonesia, Java and Sumatra, Japan etc. Indian cultural influence extended to west and central Asia as well. There was no attempt at political expansion in the west; this cultural expansion was so much that it extended further. There was an Indian Kingdom in Khotan said to have been founded by a son of emperor Ashoka (250-100 BC). Buddhism was introduced in that kingdom more than a century after its establishment. The whole of central Asia was a meeting place of different cultures and it was a silk route between Rome and China.
A nation can only be strong and developed if its citizens and the society is united, homogeneous and love their country by heart. The appeasement policy of some political parties towards certain sections of the society has unfortunately resulted in sowing the seeds of communal discord amongst the people of India. Due to vote bank politics Hinduism or Hindutva is branded as communal, which is most shocking and damaging. Non- Hindutva or Hinduism thoughts and ways are today projected by some political parties as a symbol of political success. The people of India have proved through ages that Hinduism is their spirit of living, and they have always rejected division on the basis of caste, creed and religion. Our ancestors built Hinduism for unifying and binding the people into one integrated, secular, homogenous, coherent, progressive and dynamic society, and further to build this nation into an economic power. Hence it’s also called a nationalist movement.
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