SWASTIKA, the popular Bangla weekly from Kolkata, published a special issue underlining the efforts of Samskrit Bharati in popularising Sanskrit in left-ruled West Bengal. The issue was released at a function held at Kalyan Bhawan auditorium in Kolkata recently. Dr Debaprasad Choudhury, who retired from Yadavpur University, released the issue in the presence of a large number of Sanskrit lovers, scholars and students. Speaking on the occasion Dr Choudhury described Sanskrit as culture and identity of India. “After Independence no sincere effort was made to popularise Sanskrit. But fact is that Sanskrit is the most computer-friendly language in this modern era of Information Technology,” he said lauding the efforts of Samskrit Bharati.
Dr Bijoy Adhya, editor of Swastika, said English is used only in five countries- UK, America, New Zealand, Australia and Canada only. Countries like Germany, Italy, France, Japan, China and Russia have registered remarkable growth without English. He described the Sanskrit as self-respect of the country. Prof. Jagmohan Acharya from Kharagpur College also spoke on the occasion. (By Basudeb Pal)