‘HOW to’ books are flooding the market. Books that give small tricks that can make your life better. One of the latest in the series is Ken Blanchard’s The Heart of a Leader. It gives ‘an insight on the art of influence.’ Ken Blanchard is no new comer to this genre of books. His books on leadership and life management, under various titles have sold 18 million copies. This book under review has been published in India by Jaico. On each left page, there is an one-liner. The facing page has the elaboration in it. For a sample, ‘Take what you do seriously but yourself lightly.’ The facing page emphasises on the need to appear pleasant and smile as much as possible and needed. “Today’s leaders must relearn the value of a smile or they will be unable to fire up the ability of their people to find real enjoyment in their work.” Since the content is in short crisp sentences, it makes easy reading.
(Jaico Publishing House, A-2, Jash Chambers, 7-A Sir Phirozshah Mehta Road, Fort, Mumbai 400 001)