THAT the Ram temple will be built at the temple site of Ramlala in Ayodhya as per the verdict of the Lucknow bench of the Allahabad High Court, generated a wave of enthusiasm among the devotees of Sri Ram throughout the country. People chanted Jai Sri Ram, congratulated each other and distributed sweets and at many places, lamps of ghee were lit and placed on the roofs of the houses. Drenched and immersed in devotion men and women visited temples, bowed their heads before the idols of their favourite deities and sang devotional songs. Participating in the congregational procession, the cross-sections of the society sang religious songs. The beaming faces of the devotees revealed that their long cherished wish has been fulfilled. Communal harmony and national spirit pervaded the entire atmosphere in different districts like Ambala, Rohtak, Yamunanagar, Karnal, Panchkula, Kaithal, Bhiwani, Sonepat, Hissar, kurukshetra and even in small towns like Shahbad, Ladwa, Radaur of the State. All the components of Hindu organisations : RSS, VHP, Hanumat Jagaran Council, ABVP, Tribal Welfare Committee along with the distinguished members of various religious and social organisations expressed their satisfaction and while rejoicing appealed to the countrymen to maintain communal amity and brotherhood. The devotees of Sri Ram expressed the hope that a magnificent temple would be constructed at the site of the idol of Ramlala very soon.
Lauding the verdict of Lucknow bench of the Allahabad High Court the incharge of Sri Jai Ram Asharam, Shri Braham Swaroop Brahamchari remarked that this decision has strengthened Indian culture. Billions of countrymen have been worshipping Sri Ram for thousands of years. They would be infused with a new synergy. Moreover a new era of communal amity and brotherhood would be ushered in. He commented God is omnipresent in every corner of Ayodhya. The people of all religions must cooperate to construct the temple of Sri Ram at the site of his birthplace.
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