Reaching out to visually challenged through Internet

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KSHETRA Sewa Pramukh Shri Ram Reddy inaugurated a Skype software for visually challenged persons in Hyderabad on July 10. He appreciated the software launched by Manonethra, a rehabilitation organisation affiliated to SAKSHAM.

Anybody who wants to help the visually challenged students through computer can help them using Skype software. The software reads out material to the visually challenged persons.

Skype is the easiest way in present days to teach the children suffering with blindness or low vision on online. Job Access with Speech (JAWS) is another software used by the children with blindness or low vision. It reads what content is typed by the keyboard. In other word it is a screen reader.

Skype is a software application that allows users to make voice calls over the internet to other users within the Skypeservice. Calls to both landline phones and mobile can be made using a debit-based user account system. Skype has also become popular for its additional features like instant messaging, file transfer and video conference.

(Samachar Bharati, Andhra Pradesh)

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