VETERAN Sangh Pracharak of Bihar Ugradev Narayan passed away at Rajendra Nagar Sangh Karyalaya in Patna on June 12. He was 69. He was suffering from liver infection for the last five months. He was cremated at Gulabi Ghat in Patna on June 13. The last rites were performed by his nephew Shri Sanjay Kumar.
Prominent among those who paid tribute to the departed soul included Kshetra Pracharak Shri Swant Ranjan, national secretary of VHP Shri Omprakash Garg, Karyalaya Pramukh Shri Ramvilas Garg, Sah Prant Sharirik Pramukh Shri Narendra Kumar, Prant Sampark Pramukh Dr Mohan Singh, senior Minister in Bihar Government Shri Ashwini Kumar and hundreds of others.
Ugradev Narayanji originally belonged to Pratapgarh village under Nawada district. After completing education he became a Sangh Pracharak in 1959. He held various responsibilities including that of tehsil, district and Vibhag Pracharak and was also Prant Karyalaya Pramukh for some time. Leading a simple life he expanded the Sangh work in different regions. He also held the responsibility of Prant convener of Dharm Jagran Vibhag.
(By Sanjeev Kumar, VSK Patna)