THE VHP has launched ‘Shivaji Helpline’ for distressed Hindus, especially those girls affected by ‘LOVE JEHAD’. With Mobile No. 9497545511, accessible throughout Kerala, it is monitored from the VHP complex at Kochi.
Legal and medical help for Hindus, information on cow slaughter, terrorist activities, etc. are received, digitalised and acted on. With jehadi groups intimidating poor Hindus for sale of land, which is a scarce commodity in high density Kerala, the VHP, Bajrang Dal even provide physical security to poor Hindu landowners.
Launched just a week back, the helpline has received 8,000 calls and 750 cases have been referred to Police. 366 girls including 14 Christians have been physically rescued by VHP/BD activists.
Even top police officer’s children who have fallen prey to ‘LOVE JEHAD’ have been rescued, which has given good opinions among officials about the VHP.
A counselling centre for victims of ‘Love Jehad’ and also victims of jehadi CPM hegemony has been started at Kochi. This will shortly spread to other parts of Kerala. A website Keralahindus is also in the anvil.
For Hindus of Kerala who are suffering from Marxism, Consumerism, Christianity and Jehadi terrorism, this is certainly a life rope.