DELHI unit of Vishwa Hindu Parishad organised a demonstration at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi on March 29 protesting against the remarks made by a Supreme Court judge on the divine relationship between Radha and Krishna. A three judge bench of the Supreme Court while hearing a case on live-in-relationship gave reference of Radha and Krishna living together before marriage. VHP president Shri Ashok Singhal also strongly condemned the remarks and said it is not good on the part of the learned judge to make such irresponsible remarks on the Hindu Gods. “Shri Krishna had left Mathura in the age of 12 and never returned then. It is beyond anybody’s imagination to think of such relationship as mentioned by the learned judge in such minor age. Such remarks misguide the younger generation and should not be made at all,” he said while talking to mediapersons.
VHP Delhi state general secretary Shri Satendra Mohan said the comment is highly objectionable and it should be withdrawn immediately. He also said justice Shri BS Chauhan who made this comment should apologise to the Hindus for hurting their religious sentiments. He said the love of Radha and Krishna was purely divine and spiritual and cannot be compared with any relationship.Indraprastha VHP President Shri Swadeshpal Gupta, VHP leader BL Sharma (Prem) and many senior leaders of the VHP were present on the occasion.