SANSKAR Bharati and Bharat Vikas Parishad jointly distributed sweaters to 413 students at a function held in Dehradun recently. The students who were presented sweaters belonged to primary schools of Kumhar Mandi, Shridev Suman Nagar and Khurbura in Dehradun.
Speaking on the occasion, Sanskar Bharati president Smt Savita Kapoor said besides conducting lalit kala and samskar programmes, the Sanskar Bharati also works for welfare of the downtrodden.
Noted industrialist and owner of Ambar Enterprises Shri Jasbir Singh who contributed in the distribution of sweaters, said he just fulfilled his responsibility to the society. The students also presented various patriotic songs on the occasion. They were helped by Shri Girdhar Luthra, Smt Aruna Verma and Shri Satpal Vasan. Shashi Seth, RK Seth, Shubha Verma, VK Bansal, Reena Nagaliya, Kumkum, CK Gupta, Saroj Gupta, Swanalata, Satya Kothiyal, Manjari, Ravindra Kataria, Pramod Bhatt, Chitra Rana were also present on the occasion.