When we all travel to various parts of Bharat and meet people from all walks of life, age, strata and professions, almost 99 per cent of them automatically fold their hands, close their eyes and pray whenever anyone even utters the name of Bhagwan Sri Ram, Hanumanji, Sri Krishna, Shivji, Ganeshji, Durgaji, Tirupati Balaji and so on. From the aged to the youth and from the poorest to the richest-all do it. Some do it openly; some simply do it in their minds. No difference in the level of faith. This is December 2009 and not December 1992. Even today, Hindu faith has not withered away as a few pseudo-seculars love to believe. Hindu faith is not Mao’s state that “would wither away”. Hindu faith is a constant flow like Ganga Maa going on for ages even before the English language (in which secularism word is written!) was born, even before Islam came into existence and even before Mao’s “to be withered away state” was born. So, 99 per cent of the people whom we meet have this continuous faith in their minds. Expression may differ. Remaining one per cent is a cynical lot-perhaps the most confused lot. They do not come from various walks of life. They are shrunk into some so-called chatter box professions and some of them are typical socialites with a peculiar shrill voice. This one loves the fashion to question all that is Hindu and glorify all that is non-Hindu. Meaning, when Babri falls, this one per cent cries, “Oh, heritage fell!” But when many Hindu temples in Mysore are broken by Babri claimant types (not in the history, but broken in 2009!), this one per cent maintains conspicuous silence. Then they do not recall the word “heritage” or “respect for other’s religion”, etc. This one per cent even damns 99 per cent who fold their hands in faith as: ‘‘You old fool! You are not modern moderate. You live in the history and you are taking Bharat backwards.” When this 99 per cent craves for building a magnificent Sri Ram Temple in Ayodhya, this one per cent yells from the chatter boxes and from the commissioned reports, “Ram is not important today. Roti is important.” This one per cent even has the audacity to blame 99 per cent faithful Hindus for the terror attacks on Bharat. Their fuzzy logic is: “Because Babri was demolished and because in Gujarat Hindus reacted, the terror attacks in and on Bharat have started.” While saying it, this one per cent exhibit their own short memory and lack of homework. They conveniently hide that in 1947-48 when Hindus were massacred, Babri was still standing there. In 1990 when Hindu Kashmiri Pundits were butchered and made to be victims of ethnic cleansing in Kashmir by Babri-builder types, Babri was still standing there.
The point is that it is easy in words to damn the faithful people and demean the history by being selective and discriminating about Hindu heritage and non-Hindu heritage or Hindu worship places and non-Hindu worship places. But we must understand the seriously dangerous conspiracy behind breaking Hindu structures, building Islamic structures on them; behind breaking Bharat’s economy by putting petro-dollars in the stock market, raise it and then withdraw the invested money to crash the market; attacking Mumbai’s prominent places and issuing fatwas against Vande Mataram. All these are a part of a grand dirty plan to crack Bharat and spread Islam by hook or by crook. Sounds extreme? Truth always is extreme but it helps if it is understood in time and acted upon in time before it is too late.
The unfortunate part is that, it requires a Kasab to be caught and it requires a convert David Headlely alias Dawud Gilani to be exposed for the vast nation like Bharat to sit up and finally look at the truth that “This is a grand large plan to spread Islam by breaking systems, cracking economies and terrorising all those who are not like them.” Same model was used when in 712 Mohammad Bin Kasim entered Sindh and broke a huge Hindu temple in the then Karachi which was in Bharat. Then the series of such invasions and breaking temples, occupying lands, converting /killing people started and then the culmination of it was around 400 years of rule on most of Bharat. Gazni kept on coming into Bharat again and again for 20 years before he finally broke Somnath. That happened on the Gujarat coast. When we say this, the pseudo-seculars shout, “History history! Live in the present. Speak of SEZs, FDIs.” In November 2008 when Kasab and his jehadi gang entered Bharat from the Gujarat coast, it was history repeated. This time they did not stop so short at Somnath but could come right up to the commercial heart of Bharat and attacked the proud commercial symbols and lifelines of Bharat like the star hotels, hospitals and railway stations in Mumbai. This is the point. Their invasions and attacks have not stopped since 718. They always have attacked the symbols of Bharat’s faith and prosperity. Then it was rich and crowded temples, now it is financial temples like BSE in 1993 and hotels/hospitals/railways in 2007, 2009 and even before that. Same method. Same goal, modern targets, modern weapons.
Some say this is a deed by some misguided mad youth. Really? There seems to be a great method in this madness. A method, a pattern and one goal: Hurt all that is not like them. From 718 to 2009. Not just in Bharat but in all countries from the then Babylonia to Afghanistan and now from America to Spain. In past 1500 years, many other faiths’ symbols have been razed-be it Bamiyan and Swat’s Buddha or be it Tamil temples in Malaysia or be it in Israel. We are not even mentioning here the history of Mecca and that part of the world. After electronic and financial inventions in the modern era, all that has changed are the methods, not the goal. First it was a long journey on camels and horses that they then undertook and today they use faster planes, fraudulently made passports and fake currencies to enter and invade. So, those who ignore this dangerous pattern and vicious goal thinking that it is just some imaginary outburst of some people like us, then they are in for a rude shock. They got that shock during the Mumbai attack. The tragic part is that in spite of so many people’s sacrifice in Mumbai, so much economic loss in Mumbai and such a deep trauma in Mumbai, this one per cent are turning a blind eye to the pattern that has emerged historically and is existing and fast spreading like an epidemic even today. If all would have taken note of the structures that were forcibly built on Hindu heritage and worship places after invasions (like Somnath, Sri Ram Temple, Kashi Vishwanath, Mathura’s Sri Krishna Temple and more than 30,000 known structures) and all would have, as a nation, rebuilt the proud symbols of Bharat there and then immediately at least after Independence, then today the same invaders would not have dared to attack Bengaluru and Mumbai (just as Gazni attacked Somnath again and again, the modern invaders are attacking Mumbai again and again), Parliament and other places in Delhi, Jaipur and many such important symbols of Bharat’s pride. It is easy for this one per cent pseudo-secular cynics sitting in AC places/studios/commission offices using luxury cars to crib about Babri falling as fanatic and backward.
But due to the sick attitude of going into denial or siding with invaders for political and socio-economic reasons (or even due to sheer cynicism of denouncing all that is Hindu and showcasing this style as non-conformist modern/moderate etc), today’s Bharat is reeling under a more serious threat by jehadis who have the same goal as it was of the then invaders.
Therefore, it is more important and significant to build a magnificent Sri Ram Temple at Ayodhya where Babri was built to humiliate Hindus and Bharat. The debate and reports as to who demolished Babri are irrelevant. They are being made to be prime time events by those who are either ignorant about the grand larger conspiracy that I mentioned above or they are knowingly supporting it for political and other vested interests. As I said 99 per cent of all those whom we meet during our over 10,00,000 km of travel through Bharat every year are happy that Babri fell and are waiting eagerly for the grand Sri Ram Temple there. They all know that no person, no organisation, no political party mattered at that time. It was a Hindu sentiment and it showed that if Hindu comes together as a society, then Bharat can conquer the invaders who once called themselves conquerors and emperors. Today, the same 99 per cent are upset that they are being blamed for trying to save Bharat’s pride. Such places if kept as cracked by invaders, then they become symbols of majority’s humiliation. The way Mumbai hotels are being rebuilt and renovated, the same way Sri Ram Temple has to be built where it was broken by Babur. It is a logical conclusion which is being ignored and even condemned for the past many years by this one per cent who unfortunately with their financial power, chatter box strength and with cynicism try to blur the invaders’ real conspiracy.
Those who had then broken Sri Ram Temple and Somnath Temple, the same people today, by breaking stock markets, business establishments, railway stations and hospitals, are trying to re-establish their rule on Bharat and are snatching roti and living of Bharat. We all know how many died in many jehadi attacks past many years. Due to closure of many business establishments during the Mumbai attack many lost their income. Those who yell, “No Ram, speak roti”, must now open their eyes and brains wide and see that Ram and roti are not either or; they are the part of the same one Bharat for 99 per cent. We salute those who bravely fought the jehadis in Mumbai and caught Kasab and got this larger invaders’ conspiracy exposed the same way we salute Kothari brothers and others who sacrificed their lives at Ayodhya. We appreciate those abroad who finally caught Headley and exposed an even larger global jehadi conspiracy. The entire world is alert and aware of the goal of these invaders who started then by breaking worship places as symbols and now break financial symbols. But in Bharat, due to this mere one per cent of pseudo-secular cynics, the residues of the then invaders have audacity to declare themselves “no more minority but the second-largest majority of India” (as said by Moulana Madni on fatwa against Vande Mataram) and even come out with anti-national fatwa against Vande Mataram. This fatwa is just another link in the invaders’ conspiracy. Babri was a part of it and anti-Vande Mataram fatwa and attack on Mumbai are the latest expressions of it. If all political parties, Hindus and all those who want to live happily peace with do not wake up now, then it will be too late. So, let us begin with rebuilding the broken symbols of Bharat-begin with Sri Ram Temple at Ayodhya, begin with safeguarding Bharat’s other symbols like various great temples, stock exchanges, nuke stations, business houses and other systems. Let us now all come together so that there is no Babri mentality again, which later will invade our entire Bharat.
(The writer is a renowned cancer surgeon and secretary general of VHP. He can be contacted at drtogadia@gmail.com)
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