Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) swept the students union elections in Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University in Uttarakhand. The results were declared on September 25. ABVP candidates won all the posts of the Apex Body with Shri Navin Dhyani as president, Shri Paramvir as general secretary, Shri Ashish Chauhan as vice president and Shri Deepak Panwar as secretary. In college elections too the Parishad’s Ashish Bahuguna defeated NSUI’s Shivesh Bahuguna by 336 votes on the post of President at DAV College in Dehradun. It is ABVP’s third consecutive victory in the last three years. The presidentship of last term’s winner (Rahul Rawat of ABVP) was quashed by Nainital High Court. Thus, this victory has come as a saving grace for the organisation. The ABVP also swept the elections in DBS College by winning three vital posts of president, general secretary and union representative. The ABVP had fielded its candidates only for these three posts and therefore, its success rate is 100 per cent. Shri Digvijay Singh Negi of ABVP defeated Ashwani Tyagi of the NSUI to win the post of the president. For the post of general secretary ABVP candidate Pradeep Kumar defeated Priya Kotiyal of NSUI. ABVP candidate Sanjay Singh Rawat bagged the post of university representative.
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