Dharma Prasar Samiti, Malwa Prant, organised a Mahila Sammelan in Indore on July 19. Inaugurating the Sammelan, Smt. Aruna Acharya, national president of Nari Rakasha Manch, called upon the women to save the country from cultural invasion. “The country is facing onslaughts from all sides. Apart from discharging our domestic responsibilities we need to work for saving our culture also. If we are not alert, the family system will be ruined and the whole social system will collapse,” she said.
Sadhvi Pragya Bharati from Vrindavan stressed the need to impart good samskars to women. Shri Amritram of Ramsnehi sect stressed the need to make the new generation patriot. Shri Inder Singh Maurya, Prant Dharma Prasar Pramukh, Shri Pramod Bandi, chairman of Dharma Prasar Samiti and Smt Meenadevi Khatri, Prant chairperson of Nari Rakasha Manch also spoke on the occasion. The Sammealan began with a yajna in which women from posh and backward bastis participated. Acharya Pranvananda administered the oath of protecting Hindu cultural traditions to women. Presiding over the Sammelan Smt Geeta Mundada called upon the women to contribute in national development.