Normally religion is based on faith, but Sri Sanatan Dharma has been derived from Vedic Dharma, therefore, it includes practices based on faith as well as on reasoning. Since the masses being too busy in earning material wealth, hence can not find time to go into the intricacies of human life and search the solution of their problems, therefore the rishis feeling extremely compassionate towards the ignorance of enormous sufferings, which the beings undergo in number of species, therefore, besides the other paths, the rishis had to design most simplified technique of upasana (Prayer).This technique is known as bhakti (devotion to God). The literature composed for this path is mainly based on faith and on the principle of iconisation. Since the word meanings of the two great Hindu epics, that is, Ramayana and Mahabharata, at times lead to absurdity, it is, therefore, quite essential to mitigate the confusion prevailing amongst the masses. This article tries to clarify the confusion with regard to the incarnation of two God forces known as Bhagwan Rama and Bhagwan Krishna. Since the courses in Sri Sanatan Dharma have been so designed, so as to accommodate practitioners of calibres, ranging from nursery to PhD levels, therefore for practitioners of bhakti marg (emotional class) some powerful God forces, who could carry the sadhaka upto liberation besides fulfilling their worldly desires was essential to be brought down on earth as incarnation of Bhagwan Vishnu. However while doing so, the rishis gave priority to science (Intellectualism) over literature (Emotionalism). This is discussed below.
Coloured God forces
It is important to note, that there are nine God forces and each of them carries specific colour and the mention of colour precedes the description of qualities in the composition of stuti (prayer) of that God force. Let us see the examples below:
1. For Bhagwan Krishna—(Violet)
The colour of Bhagwan Krishna is well known. He has been assigned shyam colour. (Shyam = Violet) this colour has the highest frequency in the ‘vibgyor spectrum’.
2. For Bhagwan Rama—(Indigo)
Neelambujashyamal Komlangam-Seeta Samaropit Vaam Bhagam, etc. This colour has the second highest frequency in the vibgyor spectrum.
3. For Bhagwan Vishnu—(Blue)
Neel Saroruh Shyam, Tarun Arun Vaarij Nayan. It is believed, that Bhagwan Vishnu incarnated as Bhagwan Rama and Bhagwan Krishna
4. For Bhagwan Shiva—(Dazzling White)
There are seven colours (Vibgyor) in sun light and two more colours (Ultra Violet and Infra Red) in the Electromagnetic Spectrum. These two colours are invisible. All these colours have specific frequencies. (Refer Para H of Article no. I of our web site High the frequency, powerful is the energy level of that God force. This is why Bhagwan Krishna is said to be the incarnation having sixteen Kalas, whereas Bhagwan Rama is having twelve Kalas (Kala is the literary index for measuring the qualities of the God force.
Iconisation moved the Vedic Dharma to Sri Sanatan Dharma. Sri Sanatan Dharma is the simplified version of Upasana from formless God to number of God forces having definite forms and colours.. The object is to bring the sadhaka to the particular frequency level. Basically the colour symbolises the tendency manifesting the specific qualities of that God force.
During meditation particular colour is continuously brought within the vision of inner eyes of the mind. Thus the mind sucks the power through continuous meditation via inner eyes. Once the sadhaka pronounces the name of the particular God force, the form, that is, human or other appropriate designed form automatically comes into mind and the form embodies colour, therefore, the power is naturally acquired. Such acquiring improves the power of aura of the practitioner, provided the sadhaka meditates on the colour. Thus the sadhaka proceeds to touch the heights of spiritual perfection.
The qualities and colour relationship
1. White: This is the colour of Bhagwan Shiva. By meditating on this colour, following qualities shall be produced:
1. Purity of mind and heart. 2. Detachment from world of matter (Maya). 3. Fulfilment of all satwik (noble) kinds of desires. 4. Egolessness. 5. Power of Lordship of the whole universe. 6. Attainment of Salvation, etc.
2. Violet: This is the colour of Bhagwan Krishna. By meditating on this colour, following qualities shall be produced.
Strong power of love and attraction. 2. The tendency to live life of selfless duty. 3. Diplomatic aptitude and high quality of leadership. 4. The lord of great knowledge and power of eloquent preachership. 5 The personality of merriment and ever cheerfulness. 6. The courageous and bold hero of the times.
3. Indigo: This colour is the colour of Bhagwan Rama. By meditating on this colour, following qualities shall be produced.
1. Cool temperament. 2. A great warriorship. 3. A great sense of co-existence. 4. An ideal life of austerity. 5. Truthfulness and obedienc. 6. An ideal emperor.
4. Blue: This colour is the colour of Lord Vishnu. By meditating on this colour, following qualities shall be produced.
1. Power to create and sustain. 2. Perfect celibacy. 3. Destroy the unrighteous people. 4. Protect the nobles. 5. Preaching the people selfless duty in the form of Bhagwan Krishna. 6. Guiding the masses by living an ideal life in the form as Bhagwan Rama.
Similarly all colours, e,g. Red of Sun god, Orange of Sri Hanuman, Green of Sri Ganesh, Yellow of Durga (Parvati) having specific frequencies generate tendencies or qualities described in the stuti (Prayer)of the particular God force.
The Scientific Message: One must primarily concentrate on colour, so that the sadhaka acquires power and qualities of that God force.
For creating sense of warrior ship amongst masses, the sadhakas should concentrate on Indigo colour. Iconisation made India the world teacher, but for want of this guidance, India, the richest in spiritual science, has not only been dethroned from the title of world teacher, but also been equated to other religions, who have no philosophy (reasoning) and no scientific support. Last but the most important is that Indians have repeatedly suffered humiliations in the hands of foreign invaders for the last three thousand years, because we ignored science.
It appears, that for protection of Vedic/Sri Sanatan Dharma, from crusaders, an army of Nagas exists at Haridwar and Prayagraj, but due to blind faith, they are now-a-days worshipped like gods even though they are not doing their duty.
Although meditation is a difficult technique, but it is the essence of spiritual science, therefore, it is absolutely essential that an army of such people must exist, who constantly meditate on Indigo colour, so that in future no enemy dares attack India.
Birth of ancestors of Bhagwan Rama
(Ref: Shreemad Bhagwat Mahapuran – (Part-2)-IX/VI/4 to IX/X/2)
This Purana states, that the creation started from Manu. Manu once sneezed, so Ikchhuaku was born. Well known names in the dynasty are: 1. Trishanku 2. Harishchandra 3. Sagar 4. Bhagirath 5. Raghu 6. Aja 7. Dashrath and finally Rama, Laxaman, Bharat and Shatrughan were born. It is believed, that to kill the unrighteous people Bhagwan Vishnu incarnated in four forms. The story relates to the boon granted by Bhagwan Vishnu to Rishi Kashyap for becoming his son and Shringirishi performing Putreshtiyajna for motivating Bhagwan Vishnu to incarnate as Bhagwan Rama.
The birth of demon Ravana
The demon Ravan is said to have born of a rishi family The name of his father was Rishi Vishrva. The demon was very cruel and proudly, because his mother acquired pregnancy at dusk time. He had ten heads, which some people interpret, that he was expert in ten subjects and was the outstanding scholar of his times. This explanation does not appear appealing. Moreover, no woman can deliver a boy having ten heads. Whole story has been designed to convey a spiritual message.
Message: 1. Atman, the self is constantly invaded by ten negativities Kaam, Krodh, Lobh, Moh, Mad, Matsar Ghrina, Irshya, Dwesh and Bhaya.
2. On the platform of macro, in the language of symbols, this struggle has been depicted in the form of a battle between Bhagwan Rama and demon Ravana. The great author Rishi Balmiki, while transcribing science into literature has done a wonderful job.
3. The epic excellently interweaves teachings from social, political, spiritual and scientific fields.
4. Bhagwan Rama lived a life of sacrifice for humanity, obedience towards his parents, love for his brothers and subjects. Thus HE is a lighthouse showing the path of salvation to be followed by generations to come.
For reinforcing the faith of devotees of Bhakti Marg, it is essential, that they must believe, that Bhagwan Vishnu incarnated as Bhagwan Rama and the entire story is True. Srimad Bhagwad Geeta (10/10) states, that God, after few incarnations imparts Buddhi Yoga (Tatwa Gyan = Scientific knowledge) to sadhakas of Bhakti Marg, thereafter they attain Me. This fact, that final evolution of Beings takes place only, when he understands Tatwa Gyan, that is, the basics of spiritual science and practices the same. This fact is further confirmed in Srimad Bhagwd Geeta (Refer 7/2-3 and 9/1-3). Sri Ramcharitmanas also states that scientist is supreme.(Refer-vii/between the verse no.85-86)
Science, arts and literature
Although science has totally changed the standard of living of the masses, yet it is far away from the path of spirituality, therefore, some people nourish prejudices against science. In fact science is the systematic study of some subjects. Hence subjects like mathematics, geography, political science, home science etc. also fall under this category. The sciences like physics, chemistry, biology, anatomy, physiology biophysics, biochemistry, etc. can give us knowledge about human being, that is, micro, whereas to understand the universe, that is, macro, we have to add up sciences like, astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology, quantum physics, theory of relativity, etc. It is hoped, that in the final evolution of modern science, the fragments of all material sciences shall be assembled, it will then form into a wonderful equation, universally known as the mocrocosm, so the macrocosm. This is the basic equation of Vedic Dharma, wherefrom the entire Vedic/Sri Sanatan Dharma has evolved. Hereafter this scientific formulae was first transcribed by literarians into four well known statements:-1. Tatwamasi, 2. Soham, 3. Ayam Atma Brahman, 4. Aham Brahmasmi. In order to accommodate masses, the present day Sri Sanatan Dharma has further been evolved, widened and simplified (Refer Article no. 1 of our website). The incarnation theory is the scientific synthesis in the most simplified version known as Bhakti Marg.
Unified field theory
According to Rishi Balmiki, Brahman the invisible power, unifies four forces, governing the universe that is, 1. Electromotive Force (Bhagwan Rama), 2. Gravitational Force (Laxaman), 3. Strong Force (Bharat) and 4. Weak force (Shatrughah). It appears that Rishi Balmiki was not only the great literarian, but also the greatest scientist of his times, therefore for the wellbeing of the common man, he used the language of symbols and transcribed science into literature and composed Ramkantha keeping multifarious benefits in view.
(The writer is Director, Institute of Scientific Religion.)