Think It Over Blacks and Whites: Can they ever be brothers?

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No. Not in a long long while. Look at what is going on in Australia.

Australia, like the USA, is a violent country. It was a country of criminal convicts. Is there any wonder in what they are doing today?

Then, why do our students go to Australia? For the simple reason that we remain Zombies, programmed by the whites to be their Caliban forever.

A thousand years of subjection has made us what we are. To most of us, the whiteman is still a superior being. And everything connected with him is also superior.

Our students go to the USA, UK or Australia not because education there is superior, but because when they return their market value goes up substantially. How? Because there are enough zombies in this country to support it to promote the whiteman’s interests. But may I ask them: if it is true that the whiteman’s education is better, why should he come to India looking for brains?

Who is to blame for this? None but ourselves. We have given a higher value to the whiteman and everything associated with him.

For 1000 years, the whiteman believed that the Blackman ( by blackman I mean all non-white peoples) were the children of the Devoil. The Church supported this view. They still believe it to be true.

Socialism is deep-rooted in the whites. And it is all about the colour of the skin. Slaves, were common to both Greek and Roman civilisations. But they were whites from the Slavic regions. Hence the name.

But racism is different. It is based on the colour of the sin.

One can go back to Noah’s curse or to the Bible to know why the blacks are condemned to be slaves. The prejudice is very ancient.

All arguments against racism have failed. Lord Palmerston, the British statesman, had said that the African slave trade was the greatest crime in human history. Did it make any difference to the outlook of the educated whites? No.

The blackman has been a plaything in the hands of history. Today, the blacks want revenge. But revenge cannot change the minds. It has to be fought by the will of people. That will is lacking.

A British newspaper bemoans: “Among us are those with minds so warped and views so extreme that they will plan and carry out a cold-blooded murder because of the colour of your skin.” We know what they did to Jews in Germany.

All that is needed, Macaulay thought, was for the blacks to absorb the values and way of life of the whites. But he was wrong. It is colour which stood in the way of integration. Even a Nirad Choudhary, ( the last Englishman) was not accepted by the British.

Colour made a man different from the whites. It is this difference that makes the life of an immigrant student in the USA, UK or anywhere else so tortuous. On this Prof. Bikhu Parekh, the eminent authority on immigrants, had this to say: “It is not easy to bear the burden of difference, especially for the young. Differences draw attention to oneself, intensifies self-consciousness, singles you out as an outsider and denies one the instinctive trust and loyalty extended to those perceived to one of us.”

Do not think that an Indian student is “happy” among the whites. He is not. The differences, they carry, cause them immense pain.

Indian students try to overcome this pain by being outstanding in their studies.

The whites have tried to assimilate the blacks. The present mantra is multi-culturalism. But nothing has worked. Why? Because colour stands in the way of integration.

They will tell you that an Obama makes a difference, that he heralds a new era. Do not believe it. A study done during the Bill Clinton era came to the conclusion that 110 years after the “equal rights” legislation, the whiteman is not ready to treat the blackman as an equal. And after four decades of federal effort at integration, “there are few spaces that blacks and whites occupy as equals.” In Washington DC, 96 per cent of the black children attend segregated schools.

Dear Reader, they will ask you: What about your caste system ? Yes, we have a problem. But it is crashing in front of our eyes. Why? Because it was not based on colour.

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