Saksham, a prominent organisation dedicated to the cause of visually challenged people celebrated Surdas birth anniversary at Shri Hanuman Prasad Poddar Andh Vidyalaya in Varanasi on May 4. Speaking on the occasion, Dr Devi Prasad Singh, principal of Maharaja Balwant Singh College (Gangapur) said all social, cultural and family aspects are found in the poetry of Surdas who used to compose poetry while singing. He described Surdas as a gem in the filed of literature.
Dr Vinda Paranjape of Benaras Hindu University said providing reading material to visually challenged persons was the biggest task before the workers of Saksham today. She said making arrangement of computer for the students was their top most priority. She stressed the need to do more work for visually challenged women so that their social and economic status could be raised. Presiding over the function, Dr Jaiprakash Singh of Vadya Sangit Vidyalaya appealed to the visually challenged people to draw inspiration from the life of Surdas and develop a confidence among them.
(By Loknath in Varanasi)
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