Digvijayi ho Bharat, a book published by Suruchi Prakashan, was released in New Delhi by RSS Sahsarkaryavah Shri Suresh Soni on May 14. The book is based on the speeches of new RSS Sarsanghachalak Shri Mohan Bhagwat delivered in Nagpur after assuming the responsibility of Sarsanghachalak on March 21 and also delivered at his felicitation function organised at Ramlila Grounds in New Delhi on March 31.
Apart from many dignitaries including Shri Kidarnath Sahani, Shri Surya Krishan, Shri Satyanarayan Bansal, Delhi Prant Sanghachalak Shri Ramesh Prakash Sharma and Sahprant Sanghachalak Dr SS Agrawal were also present on the occasion.
The book also contains the speeches delivered by other leaders including former Sarsanghachalak Shri KS Sudarshan, veteran Pracharak Shri Ranga Hari, Shri MG Vaidya and Uttar Kshetra Sanghachalak Dr Bajranglal Gupt. The book also contains the photographs of those occasions and also the newspaper clippings covering both the events. Suruchi Prakashan, Delhi has so far published more than 250 books covering various vital issues.
Releasing the book, Shri Soni appealed to the swayamsevaks to first read the book themselves and then got it read by others. He said the compilation of the speeches of the historic occasion is a very good initiative. ?The God has given the strength of remembering and forgetting. It depends upon one'sconscience what to remember and what to forget. But there are certain things that have to be remembered. It is with this objective that this book has been published. What the outgoing Sarsanghachalak Shri KS Sudarshan said is our eternal thinking. That is why the Suruchi Prakashan has published this book,? he added.
At the time when it is observed that there are fights over the posts in other organisations and people do not want to vacant the posts, the tradition set by the RSS is an example to be emulated by all. When Acharya Mahaprajna relinquished his responsibility he quoted this tradition of RSS and handed over the responsibility to the other equally competent Acharya.