Networking a strategy for life

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Written by a marketing consultant, this book advises on the importance of connecting and reconnecting with people in one'slife and with those who may not have been nurtured enough. Networking is about giving first and giving without remembering as also of receiving without forgetting. We must ensure that whenever we receive anything, no matter how small, we must immediately reach back to the person by note, call, e-mail or a gift and may be a combination of all.

Networking is a mindset, a strategy for life, a way to create connections that could last a lifetime and in all areas of one'slife. Home networking is 24/7. People come into our life ?for a reason, a season or a lifetime?. Someone is in our life for a reason, a need we have expressed. They may come for the reason we want and some day he or she may walk away when the work is done. Hence networking helps. It is not something that you have to do; it is something which you like to do, provided you make your mindset such. Some of the strategies suggested are:

Position yourself to be your brand. This entails being true to yourself, be a strong personal brand, clear, consistent, constant, compelling, clever, connected, committed and current; not outdated. Make a personal brand statement, be conscious of your appearance, personal presentation, refine your skills, change your networking comfort zone, start entertaining clients, reinvent yourself, re-think on everything you do, improve your image and create a good rapport.

Create connections by being anxious at home, at work, about people and their things, show your value to them, be friendly, don'twaste opportunities to connect, never assume, learn by listening, remember names, never put your foot in your mouth, create connections between contacts and perform random acts of kindness.

Build relationships with clients, partners, people in your network, sharpen your business edge, remember that the first call is the beginning of many, develop advocates in business, show gratitude, do research, and set a goal for every event you attend. Networking is required with the post office, the nail salon, the coffee-shop, airplane, dentist, tailor, etc. Networking involves certain etiquette which should be followed regularly and efficiently.

These quick tips for effective networking for all types of businesses, from manufacturing to financial services, from technology companies to retailers, can help you professionally in transforming business connections, appearing in a room full of strangers comfortably, improving communication skills, discovering the people you need to network with and keeping track of contacts. The book stresses on networking being treated as a vital part of one'sbusiness plan.

(Macmillan India Ltd, 2/10 Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi-110 002.)

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