Kreeda Bharati, a new organisation formed by some swayamsevaks in Maharashtra for the promotion of games in Bharat, conducted a chess training camp in Goa. The camp was organised in association with Taleigao Chess Academy for primary school children from December 21 to 30 at S.S. Samiti'sIVBD High School, Dhavali-Phonda. The camp was inaugurated by Dr Aditya Samant. A total of 87 children from 14 different primary schools in and around Ponda participated in the camp. The training was conducted by Shri Shrikant Bharve of Taleigao Chess Academy. The prime objective of organising the camp was to promote sports among children from primary level, which received good response from children and their parents. Dr Aditya Samant said the parents should encourage their children to participate in sports to bring about physical and mental growth. Shri Sudesh Thakur briefed about the Kreeda Bharati and the importance of sports. Shri Shrikant Bharve gave detailed information on the importance of Chess. Other personalities present were Shri Meenanath Upadhye, president of Kreeda Bharati, Goa, and Smt Dimple Thomas, headmistress of IVBD High School.
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