Drushti Stree Adhyayan Prabodhan Kendra, Pune Developing deeper understanding of women issues

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There is tri-fold role of women as a person, mother and as a centre of a family. The need for studying the family system thoroughly has been felt for long. Drushti Stree Adhyayan Prabodhan Kendra, Pune, has been founded for studying thoroughly the issues related to women. It has been working for years in order to develop deeper understanding of all the vitally important issues in women'slife.

The objective of the Kendra is to study in depth the women'scondition, development and problems with reference to Indian culture. It conducts research and creates awareness regarding various policies declared at the state, national and international levels. It also studies, surveys and evaluates women issues and makes them aware of the various schemes and projects pertaining to their development. It makes available all the necessary information to the activists and provides training to them. It assists individuals, institutions and organisations working in the same field. It also publishes material related to women'sissues.

The Kendra has been collecting news and articles related to women issues published in various newspapers and periodicals since 1996. It conducts study circles on feminism, and holistic contemplation on women. It conducts regular seminars on the effect of television serials on family life. It publishes Vrittasankalan, a bimonthly, and Mahila Swasthya, special issue on women'shealth. The Kendra also conducted surveys on health related problems in lower middle class adolescent girls in Mumbai, media and women and social empowerment through Self Help Groups in Maharashtra.


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