Creativity in life

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Brainstorming is a group discussion in which each one'sbrain produces ideas. In a brainstorming session, innovation takes place which may not be the final answer. It may call for some improvement.

Written by motivated speakers, this book is a collection of humorous and thought-provoking illustrations which exercise the mind and make you look at situations from a new perspective and challenge conventional thinking. It helps you to discover how to solve a problem by applying the principles of thinking, asking and doing.

Thinking entails watching your thoughts because they become your words; words become actions; actions become habits; habits become character; and character becomes thinking. Thus one should feel free and should be willing to ask others for help because asking help removes many cobwebs. Do whatever has to be done now and become result-oriented. Some other points made by the authors include:

* Learning is a continuous process. Dispel preconceived notions to learn more.
* Reflect on your next move. Second thoughts are normally found to be wiser.
* Give and take help relationships to grow.
* Encouraging others to act and help them in their task.
* Empowering is beneficial because there is no limit to what human beings can do.
* Negotiate help to win your point.
* Discipline is necessary to move on in life.

The authors try to show through line illustrations that the brain is a powerhouse of creative energy storing all that it sees, like corn-seeds, in the mind. All that is required is to convert stored observations into ideas that are applied in the process of thinking, whether doing brainstorming alone or in a group. When facing a problem, let the subconscious mind work on it. Discuss issues with different people and expose yourself to different situations. This helps to awaken the sleeping mind. Some day the sleeping thoughts and stored observations will come up with great innovations. The ideas in the book will be stored in your mind and these you can dig out for use, whenever the need arises. All the ideas may not appeal to you but sometime an idea is enough to trigger the sleeping thoughts and give shape to a new idea. Once the thought acquires a shape, all that is needed is to use it to transform knowledge into action and achieve result-oriented success, says the author.

(Macmillan India Ltd, 2/10 Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110 002.)

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