BJP national president Shri Rajnath Singh disqualifying the Congress claim of number one party said: ?The Congress party'slongstanding claim of being the largest party of the country both politically and organisationally has weakened and the BJP has emerged as the largest party of the country both in political and organisational terms. Now we are the obvious frontrunner for the Lok Sabha elections.?
Attacking the UPA for working against the interest of the common man, party president Shri Rajnath Singh said, ?It appears that the current administrators of the nation are completely oblivious of the extent to which the common man has been burdened by the unending price rise. Today'sprice rise is multi-dimensional. I would like to ask not only the learned Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission but also our learned economist Finance Minister and Prime Minister: Is development possible only by crushing the common man under the burden of inflation? Can'tthese experts see an alternate model of development? Didn'tdevelopment take place in the tenure of the NDA? Was not inflation under control? Is this the same hand of the Congress party, which came to power on the claim of being with the common man and today it is willing to sacrifice all the requirements of the common man for the sake of building a so-called palace of development? And that too such development is not reflected anywhere. The BJP will never accept a policy that seeks to build a palace by sacrificing a hut.?
The BJP president charged the UPA for neglecting the agriculture and rural India and stated: ?If life is not possible without food then a nation without land is not possible either. The pledge of nation building is a farce without it encompassing agriculture and the villages, the perpetual symbol of our great nation'slife and vibrancy. This is what the present UPA government is doing with the villages, the poor and the farmers. If we get an opportunity to form a government at the Centre, then we will revive and re-establish both agriculture and the villages.?
Shri Rajnath Singh said that in the decade of the 1970s through the 42nd constitutional amendment, the words ?Secular? and ?Socialist? were added to the Preamble of the Constitution. And after this change, the Preamble of India'sConstitution became ?Sovereign, Secular, Socialist, Democratic, Republic?. It is only after this change that widespread politics began over the word secular, which was interpreted as dharmanirpeksh. However, neither technically nor politically, the true meaning of the word secular can ever be dharmanirpeksh. In the official Hindi translation of the Preamble of the Constitution published by the Law & Justice Ministry of Government of India, which is also a public document, the meaning of the word secular is written as panthnirpeksh.
The BJP national president explaining the issue in detail said that there is a big difference in being dharmanirpeksh and panthnirpeksh. Panth or sect symbolises devotion towards any specific belief, specific way of prayer and specific form of God but dharma symbolises absolute and eternal values, which can never change like laws of nature. For example, one can say dharma is like the earth or land while panth is like different paths built over it. Our mind can chose any path, change from one path to another, we can hold different views about the various paths but how can we ever get separated from the earth?
Dharmapran nation means a nation whose actual consciousness is imbibed in dharma. India is a dharmapran nation and this is evident from Amarnath in the extreme north to Sabarimala Temple in the extreme south, and in Haridwar, Nasik, Ujjain and Prayag, where one can see Kumbh Melas in perpetual occurrence.
?India'snational emblem has three lions and carries the eternal message of Satyamev Jayate (Truth Always Triumphs) of the Mundakopanishad. Truth signifies dharma and not a sect. India'sNational Flag has the Ashoka Chakra in it. This Chakra found in Sarnath is dharmachakra and basically symbolises the cycle of dharma. In India'sParliament behind the seat of the Speaker of the Lok Sabha Dharmachakra Pravartanay (For the propagation of the eternal cycle of dharma) is inscribed. Therefore, if dharma is present in the National Emblem, National Flag, and in the supreme seat of Parliament then how can the entire establishment of India be neutral to dharma or be dharmanirpeksh? The confusion created by dharmanirpeksh and panthnirpeksh cannot be removed only through an explanation. The only solution is to stop the use of the word dharmanirpeksh. That is why I am announcing that in future we will never use the word dharmanirpeksh and the Government of India should also issue a directive prohibiting the constitutional use of the word dharmanirpeksh so that from the Prime Minister to the common public no one constitutionally uses this term and this will prevent confusion and damage from taking place through its usage,? Shri Rajnath Singh said.
Describing the party'sagenda before the nation party president said: ?We also want the nation to experience an environment of value-based politics. Along with cultural nationalism, Article 370, Uniform Civil Code and true secularism, we are committed to preserve the national unity and integrity. We always maintain that power is a means and not an end for us. I have great hope that our party workers in every village will constitute their teams at every booth and while they will ensure the BJP'sgeographical, social, political and cultural expansion, they will also ensure that our ideology spread among our supporters in their respective areas. If we succeed on this front, which I am confident that we will achieve, then that day is not far when on the ramparts of the Red Fort, our prime ministerial candidate Shri Lal Krishna Advani will address the entire nation.?
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