Book Reviews by Manju Gupta The energy thieves

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The author begins by quoting Ken Keyes, author of books on spirituality:

?A loving person lives in a loving world, a hostile person lives in a hostile world. Everyone you meet is your mirror.?

Energy, like a circle, is said to have no beginning and no end. It moves in circles around us and through us, like a constant stream, puts out energy and gets it back. The author says that similarly, the negative judgements that we have about ourselves are returned to us.

This book by a New Zealander who, when suffering from poor health, discovered that she was getting well when she took to looking afresh at life as a flow of energy that goes both in and out. Energy is our life force and the book provides knowledge of the tools which help to improve our life and lifestyle and gain personal well-being. The type of energy which we put out comes back. If our output is unclear, then a similar energy comes back to us. When we live in a black and white world, we draw in more clarity and people are more straightforward and clear with us.

When we use our thoughts to judge ourselves in a negative way, we draw in negative energy. As a result, the negative judgements we have about ourselves in thought or word or action are returned to us. It shows the kind of energy we are putting out and whether we are healthy or unhealthy.

If we keep company with wise people we will become wise and when we make friends with stupid people, we will be ruined. Thus we have a responsibility to ourselves to be selective about whom we spend time with.

Thus according to the author of the book, we have energy blocks.

Whatever is flexible and flowing will tend to grow; whatever is rigid and blocked will wither and die.

Energy is always moving, either forward in a constructive way, or backwards in a destructive way. When we suppress any emotion and create a block, the energy no longer flows as it should naturally do. It gets trapped in a confined space. The energy becomes destructive because it has not been allowed to flow.

Our energy balance is a delicate aspect and by understanding that the energy flows can be negative or positive with respect to other people, we can better understand how to conserve our energy and protect ourselves against total loss of energy. So let us take some time off to invest back into our best resource which is we ourselves. We need to protect our energies from now on. ?Then we shall have no regrets,? says the author.

Here is a self-help book which may be read by those who cannot help themselves on their own, but need help and guidance from others to help them.

(Macmillan India Ltd, 2/10 Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi-110 002.)

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