A seminar was organised by Punjab unit of Bharatiya Kisan Sangh at a village Badshahpur in Patiala. State secretary Dr Rajinder Kumar, a professor in Patiala University, provided important data about the alarming position of water scarcity in the state. He pointed out that out of 138 blocks in Punjab, 96 were declared dark zone. Dr Balwinder Singh Sohal, District Agriculture Officer, hailed the Kisan Sangh for such an initiative. He stressed the need to take cognizance of the wastage of water in the name of water purifying systems and washing machines in cities. Sardar Avatar Singh of SGPC stressed on the water harvesting methods to be practised in the area.
National vice president of BKS Shri Prithvi Singh Vatsa spoke at length about the activities, philosophy and need of the Kisan Sangh and criticised the bogey of loan waiving by the central government. He termed the exercise as a hoax and instead advocated a long-term policy by the government. He advocated the need to prepare DNA report of the whole land so that farmers could know the nature of their land. Shri Jagdish Chandra, secretary of Delhi unit of BKS, stressed the need of various non-agricultural projects to be launched in rural areas to augment the income of the villagers. Shri Kashmirilal advocated the need of organic farming, water recharging systems, forestation and the necessity of indigenous seeds spices and other indigenous methods of farming, which are water savvy.