Madhav Netra Pedhi organised a cultural function, Swardrishti, in Nagpur to celebrate the Surdas birth anniversary. The visually challenged artists performed at the function, which was inaugurated by Nagpur Mayor Smt. Mayatai Ivanate. President of Sanskar Bharati and noted film Marathi film director Shri Rajdutt was the chief guest.
General secretary of Akhil Bharatiya Drishtihin Kalyan Sangh Shri Avinash Sangwai said the visually challenged persons have immense talent and they should be brought to the mainstream. Shri Rajdutt said the society should have a positive attitude towards the visually challenged persons. Smt. Mayatai Ivanate assured to provide every possible help to the visually challenged persons in Nagpur.
Meanwhile, a similar function was held at the auditorium of Hanuman Prasad Poddar Blind School, Varanasi on May 12. Speaking at the function Shri Shyam Sunder Tulshyan, secretary of Kashi Prant, said the visually challenged persons are not burden on the society. They need help and not the mercy. He said the visually challenged persons have talent, which just need an encouragement. Shri Janaki Ballabh Karva spoke on the life of Surdas. Dr Abhishek Chandra of Benaras Hindu University described the eye donation as the biggest donation. Dr Anil Tewari, Shri Premchand Jaiswal and Prof. Govardhan Jhawar also spoke on the occasion.
A function was held at Pitampura in Delhi on May 11 by Delhi unit of Drishtihin Kalyan Sangh. Smt. Pushpa Sahani, secretary of Rashtriya Virjananda Andh School and Dr Dayal Singh of Lal Bahadur Shastri Sanskrit Vidypeeth were among the dignitaries present on the occasion. It is to be noted that Dr Dayal is a visually challenged person and teaches Sanskrit grammar to the senior students. Dr Kamlesh Kumar, national organising secretary of Kalyan Sangh spoke about the activities and objectives of the Kalyan Sangh.