The Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha (ABPS) wishes to emphasise that Bharatiya values envision man and woman as fundamentally complementary to each other, who, with a mutually understanding relationship, engage themselves in their respective roles to build a harmonious family and contribute in all walks of national life. Bharat'shistory and literature is full of instances illustrating woman'sglory and greatness. In ?Rigveda?, the oldest treatise in human history, more than 30 women are mentioned as seers who have contributed mantras to it, and its body text amply illustrates the splendid contribution of women in all walks of life. It has continued since then. It is a fact that nature has ordained certain difference between man and woman. But Bharatiya tradition has never approved of any discrimination against woman, always giving her a place of respect and honour in every sphere of life. Hence, it must be ensured that there is no discriminatory behaviour against them and their participation in the decision-making process is always upheld.
Luxurious lifestyle has led to gradual degeneration in our social life. Foreign invaders selectively targeted our beliefs and symbols of devotion, and our universally acclaimed value of life started disintegrating. The glamour of materialism made us blind followers of the West, where promiscuity is what we got in the name of woman'semancipation. The storm of globalisation and liberalisation led to a craze of turning woman into an object of enjoyment rather than an epitome of respect. The ABPS expresses its concern over the scornful attempts to destroy the dignity and honour of our womenfolk thereby destroying our family system by way of the depiction of vulgar and obscene pictures and visuals of woman in advertisements, magazines and periodicals, news channels, television serials and movies.
The ABPS sees it as regretful that woman are being increasingly subjected to indecent behaviour, eve-teasing, sexual exploitation, abuse, and other despicable crimes. It is deeply distressing that in addition to female foeticide, dowry violence etc. they are subjected to sexual abuse at work places, public places and even homes too. The ABPS demands that the Government must ensure effective implementation of the laws intended for the safety, security and empowerment of woman; as well as those meant for the protection of woman from domestic violence and abuse and exploitation at public places and work places. A strict law, along with an effective code of conduct that would uphold the dignity of womenfolk should be enacted to regulate the advertisements and programmes of print and electronic media.
The ABPS profoundly feels the need for a radical transformation in the mindset of society to bring in a meaningful change in this de-culturising situation. Just to rely upon the laws promulgated by the Government will be self-deceptive. The society must honestly realise that it is created by the institution of family and woman is the pivot of the family; hence a developed society cannot be envisaged without an enlightened, awakened and empowered woman. It is a pressing necessity that families, education system, media, and society must change their attitude to ensure a respectful behaviour towards woman. The ABPS appeals to the saints and social leaders also to take a leading role in this respect.