Kids' Org The omnipresent God

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Guru Nanak Dev used to go on pilgrimages all over India. He walked through other countries too to spread his message of peace and universal brotherhood.

Once while walking across India, he crossed the border and reached Mecca in Saudi Arabia and lay down to rest. As he had covered a very long distance over the desert area on foot and that too on hot scorching sand, he was dead tired.

He dropped off to sleep when after some time, the Qazi of Mecca drew near him and woke the stranger up. As soon as Nanak Dev opened his eyes, he saw the Qazi standing with an angry look in his eyes. The Qazi shouted, ?What an insensible person you are! Don'tyou know that you are sleeping with your feet facing the Kaaba? How dare you commit this sinful act in our holy land??

Nanak Dev was taken aback and quickly withdrew his feet. He begged, ?I was so tired that I dropped off to sleep. I did not know that your religious place lay opposite my feet. Please forgive me. I did not mean to hurt your sentiments.?

The Qazi of Mecca told him, ?Kaaba is the holy place of our Prophet. In future, be careful when you lie down to sleep.?

Guru Nanak begged, ?I am really sorry. As I am tired I do not have the strength to lift my feet. You may just lift my feet and turn them around so that they do not face the Kaaba.?

The Qazi'smen lifted Nanak Dev'sfeet and no matter where they turned the feet, they found the Kaaba in front.

The Qazi was shocked to see this and realised that he was some great man and begged for forgiveness. Guru Nanak Dev told him, ?God is present everywhere. No matter where you look, you will find God there.?

The Qazi was pleased with the knowledge and went away, leaving Guru Nanak Dev in peace to continue with his mission of spreading the Lord'smessage.

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