Material required
* A piece of cardboard.
* A tube of Fevicol.
* Clay.
* Ghungroos.
* Paints.
* Brushes.
* Rope or wool.
* Parandi (string for tying a girl'splaits)
* Pencil.
* Draw the outline of a house on the cardboard with pencil.
* Paste rope around the outer walls of the house.
* Paste the parandi on the roof border.
* With clay, mould doors and knobs and paste on the opening.
* With paint and brushes paint the house in a colour of your choice.
* On the door, hang a string with the ghungroos tied at the end to serve as the ringing bell.
* To give a background to the house, cut-out pieces of cardboard and paint them red and green to make the trees. Paste these behind the house to impart colour to the house.
How to use
* Use this as picture to hang on the wall.