The very first imperative for the security of any nation is the security and strength of that nation's majority community. In the case of Bharat that means the Hindus. The business acumen and scientific talent of the Hindu society have so stunned the word that forces are now at work to halt this country'smarch to the pinnacle of progress. An unholy alliance between foreign powers and our own anti-national secularists is hatching conspiracy after terrible conspiracy to pull India down.
In every field of life the Hindu Samaj is being threatened and discriminated against, so that it can be mentally weakened and spiritually broken to such an extent that it could be brought to its knees. These conspiracies are far more challenging than even Islamic terrorism. So they need to be exposed and defeated before it is too late.
Demolition of Democracy
Democracy means the greatest good of the greatest number. But the distorted version of democracy that we Indians practise today is actually perversion of democracy, for it is working towards the greatest good of the minority at the expense of the vast majority.
The country'smajority and democratic institutions are being subverted, while the minority is being appeased in every way. This is the first conspiracy?the conspiracy to subvert democracy.
Secular Dharmashala
The second one is the dastardly design to de-Hinduise this Hindu country. When Muslim Pakistan was carved out of undivided India it was a matter of natural justice for the rest of India to become a Hindu nation. But this did not happen. Our power-hungry political leaders betrayed 85 crore Hindus and made the country a secular dharmashala. The Hindu has become a second-class citizen in his own country, and his religious, democratic as well as human rights are being trampled upon.
The UN has given aid to refugees all over the world, but when abominable atrocities were committed on the Hindus?atrocities that surpassed what Hitler did to Jews?what happened? Thousands of Kashmiri Hindus were massacred, and lakhs of them had to leave their hearths and homes, but the UN neither gave help to the victims nor even censored the perpetrators. Why? Because India is nor a Hindu nation but an anti-Hindu secular state.
Dirty Politics
The third conspiracy is political. As many as five states have Christian chief ministers, and important positions in the administration are held by Christians. This is being done to make India a Christian country, so that the Pope can rule it by proxy. Similarly, Muslims are also engaged in arm-twisting political leaders at election times so that India can be transformed from Darul Harab into Darul Islam.
Towards this end, they are increasing their numbers by 29 per cent every year. In addition, two crore Bangladeshi infiltrators have been welcomed into the county for the sake of their votes. Their over-whelming presence is promoting both terrorism and poverty. Such a tremendous betrayal of one'sown country has no parallel in the world history.
A vote-hungry Central Minister says Muslims should be recruited more and more into the armed and police forces. At the time of Independence there were 5000 madrases in India. Now they are in lakhs. This is where terrorists are being trained for the destruction of Bharat.
Subversion of Culture
The fourth conspiracy is in the field of culture. Its sickening symbol is M.F.Hussain, who painted obscene, nude picture of Hindu gods and goddesses and Bharat Mata. This denigration is meant for breaking the spirit of Hindus. There is also no check on TV serials that promote immorality. As a result, the noble values of Hindu culture are being forsaken and Hindus are becoming anti-Hindus.
Irreligious Education
The fifth conspiracy is against Religion. Laws are passed that aim at destroying Hindu Dharma. In fact they preach poisonous irreligion. Limitless funds are pouring into Bharat so that Hindus can be converted to Islam and Christianity. The Pope came to India and openly declared that the whole of India is to be Christianized.
In the south lands belonging to Hindus? temples have been appropriated by the Government and distributed among Christians, who have opened schools and shops there. This has resulted in hundreds of Hindu temples closing down. These temples? income to the tune of Rs. 72 crore has also been confiscated by the government. Out of this amount only Rs 10 crore are given to the temples and the remaining 62 crore distributed among churches, mosques and madrasas. There is clearly a plan to take over lakhs of temples in Maharashtra and all over the country in order to loot their properties and line the pockets of non-Hindus and anti-Hindus. Hinduism is kept out of education so that Hindus may turn away from their religion and become anti-Hindus secularists. In no other country is its majority community subjected to so much injustice and insult.
Muslim'sEconomic Appeasement
The sixth conspiracy is economic. Our secular Prime Minister says Muslims are poor and so have the first right to the country'sincome. This economic appeasement of Muslims is nothing new. 1.25 lakh crore rupees collected from Hindus by way of taxes have been given to Kashmir, half of which fell into the hands of terrorists. In addition, thousands of crores of rupees are distributed among Haj Pilgrims, masjids/madrasas.
Thus the loot obtained from Hindus is being stashed in the Muslim/Christian vote bank. A relevant footnote to this dismal scenario is the fact the Pakistan is sending into India fake currency worth thousands of crores in order to destabilise the Indian economy.
Appeasement of Islamic Fundamentalists
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has now gone to the extent of advising the British and Australian Prime Ministers to extend lenient treatment to terrorist. (Times DNA). This myopic mindset is indicative to the dangerous extent to which our pseudo-secular powers that be can go for the sake of their Muslim vote bank.
There are also many other similar indicators. Shri V.K.Malhotra, M.P. wrote in a recent article that minority community children are admitted to schools even on getting 40 per cent marks, but poor Hindus children are denied admission even with 70 per cent marks. Banks have been directed to sanction loans to minority applicants without their furnishing any collateral whatsoever, but in the case of poor Hindus seeking loans, they must first mortgage their housed or ornaments. There are also directives to give priority to minorities in government jobs. Any number of such examples can be given.
Criminalization of Politics
The large-scale presence of criminals of all types in Indian politics is alarming enough to be considered a conspiracy. In this conspiracy law-breakers of various types, including those guilty of serious crimes, and assorted shady characters are put into position of power to loot the country and keep it in thrall.
Demographic Danger
The ninth conspiracy is demographic?to push the Hindus into becoming a minority community in its own country. Towards this end the Hindus Samaj is being fragmented into castes and classes with the instrument of reservations and quotas. This is a continuation of the British policy of ?divide and rule? with which they pitted Hindus and Muslims against each other.
Manipulated Media
Media manipulation is the tenth conspiracy that gives strength to all those mentioned above. Quite a few prominent pillars of the fourth estate of the realm are on sale. They are busy day and night denigrating Hinduism and Hindus, abusing them as communal, militant and what not, while promoting anti-national activities of Muslims and Christians.
?Hindu?-sthan How Long?
In this dire situation Hindustan has only two alternatives before it?it has to become a Hindu nation, otherwise it is fated to become an Islamic nation. In the latter eventuality the 85 crore Hindus of Bharat would be reduced to the same plight as the Hindus of Pakistan and Bangladesh. Loot, forced conversion dishonour for Hindu women?whatever happened in Kashmir is gradually repeating itself all over, but anti-Hindus secularist leaders are mute spectators of all this.
If a Hindu nation does not come into being, the Kashmir valley would become the world'sbiggest terrorist base. Again there would be a Hindus holocaust, and the world would watch without a tear.
Democracy and Religion
It is claimed that India is a secular democracy. On the other hand, all countries of Europe and America also claim to be democracies, yet they are Christian nations, where Christianity is given official support. All religions of the world are national religions somewhere or the other. It is only in India that Hinduism is not the national religion despite 85 per cent of the population being Hindus. All major communities of the world have their own country?except Hindus, who can no longer call any country their own, for now India is a secular Dharmashala.
Pseudo-secular Electoral Democracy
Further, the present blatant misuse of electoral politics has become possible because Hindus have not built up their own vote bank. Building such a vote bank is a democratic right of the Hindus and calling it a communal activity is political dishonesty. (In fact in the recent past even a Congress columnist had candidly conceded that the BJP could quite democratically establish its ideology in power on the strength of Hindu votes alone.)
No Hindu Brotherhood
Thirdly the Hindus have always chanted the Global Brotherhood mantra but never had a bond of a religious brotherhood, as it was considered narrow-minded. So when a few Muslims or Christians get killed the whole Muslim or Christian community is enraged, but when lakhs of Hindus of Pakistan, Bangladesh and Kashmir were massacred the Hindus of India watched in silence. It was this disastrous disunity among Hindus that enabled just 20,000 Mughals to rule them for 700 years. Today India is free, but the Hindus is still a slave.
Dangerous Delusion
Fourthly, Hindus have always looked upon the whole world as a friend they lack the capacity to perceive a danger. A society capable of threat perception remains alert and united. On the other hand, the Hindu society does not realise that eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. Our Vedas teach us fellowship with the whole world, but in the present context this noble principle is only for saints.
Time Running Out
Now time is running out the Hindu Samaj. If we do not wake up now, it would be too late, and the Hindu would be lost forever.
On a practical extend level, in a democracy information is power, so we need to make the maximum possible use of the print and electronic media to rouse the society as a whole. Seventy per cent Hindus live in the villages, and if they are made aware of the multiple threat to their very existence as Hindus, a Hindu vote bank could certainly be built up. The country is on fire, and it is our bounded duty to wake up those who are asleep.
Our Only Salvation
In fine, we must stop this Holy Hindustan of ours from going into the hands of traitors. This is a land of superhuman saints, not inhuman terrorists. Only Hinduism says ?sarve bhavantu Sukhinahi-Let every body in this world be happy. Those martyred in the War of Independence were 98 per cent Hindus. Even Gandhiji said all shrines and temples holy for Hindus are within India, while the holy places of Muslims and Christians are in Mecca and Jerusalem thus he accepted that India is a Hindu country. For us Hindus Bharat is every thing?Matrubhumi, Pitrubhumi, Jamma bhumi, Karmabhumi, Dharmabhumi, Punyabhumi and Mokshabhumi.
The 21st century will be a Hindu century, but that can happen only after Bharat becomes Hindu Rashtra. Because according to Shri Hedgewarji Hindu Rashtra is a devine nation which gives happiness to everybody and does not harm anyone. So let us protect the Hinduness of Bharat. Therein alone lies our salvation.
(The author can contacted at Jivan Villa, floor-1, 18 N.D. Road, Mumbai-6.)
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