Kids' Org Sublime Love

Published by
Archive Manager

Material required
* Four used matchboxes.
* Colourful bits of paper.
* Paints.
* Brushes.
* Pencil.
* Glue or Fevicol.
* Wool.

* Take out the drawers of the matchboxes and keep them aside.
* Paste coloured papers all over the matchboxes to cover all the six sides of each of the boxes.
* Paint the eyes, the mouth and nose on the coloured paper pasted on the broad side of the matchboxes. On two matchboxes paint moustache in black colour.
* With glue or Fevicol stick the bits of coloured wool to make the hair on the faces.
* On the two boxes on which you had painted moustaches, make hats?roll one 3cm x 3cm paper into a cylinder and fix it on a round base cut on the chart paper; on another make a circle of 6 cm diameter and cut out a triangle on it.
* Paste the cylindrical hat and the circular hat on the two faces on which the moustache has been painted.
* Pierce a hole with the unshaved end of the pencil into the side of each matchbox and fix it into the hole.

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