A connection with the divine

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In moments of happiness, in moments of grief; in times of darkness, in times of light; in feelings of abandonment, in feelings of belonging; in a present of soaring heart, in a future of hopelessness; in the sense of self-worth, in the sense of worthlessness, we all experience a pervasive longing for a deeper connection?a connection with the divine.

The book under review helps one to reclaim to a considerable extent one'spersonal power, support us on our path in life and reinforce our divine connection. It serves as a document of hope and healing, which in turn serves as the foundational step forward on a magnificent journey through life. It is an easy-to-follow roadmap for negotiating the path to the divine power residing in us. It is a ?key resource for unlocking and healing the years of intense, often hidden, emotional pain at the heart of humanity'smost universal wounds,? says the author. It offers a unique perspective on the longing that reaches deeply into our sense of worthiness and ability to love and be loved.

In more detail, Chapter I emphasises the need for understanding our divinity and power. We should make a divine declaration to the effect that ?I am a divine being, a spark of the divine source. I am worthy. I am loving and loved. I live in a supportive world, supported by God, the divine source. My inheritance is abundance in love, health, joy, peace and all my heart desires for a wonderful life.?

Many of us lead our lives on the tightrope of repressed emotions, disconnected with our divine inner powers. Suspended on the high wire of quiet desperation, we are gripped by fear. We relinquish our inner power to a job, a partner, a way of life, or to something external and disconnected from ourselves. To free our life from such desperation and renew our powers, we must awaken to and connect with our divine inner power?the power that is connected to God or the divine source of the universe.

The author subscribes to the view that one must take this path of self-exploration if he/she is to awaken his/her divine nature so as to create harmony and fulfil his/her dreams. Only by regaining the divine inner power is he/she able to regain hope and zest for life. ?With a divine connection which is infinite, and prime power that is unlimited with great fortitude, I embark on the journey of light,? says the author.

Chapter II deals with resistance to one'sdivinity and divine power. Here one should consider oneself worthy and regardless of past circumstances, of great value. The author points out, ?I see the little child in me and I nurture that child with love, respect, and emotional support. I forgive myself for past mistakes and forgive others who may have hurt me intentionally or unintentionally. This should be made into one'sdivine declaration.?

Chapter III discusses one'sthoughts, which create one'sexperiences and life. By turning to one'sdivine power, one can create the life one wants to live. The author says, ?Because I know that all knowledge is available to me if I allow it to enter into my space, I seek and find the answers to my life challenges.?

Chapter IV stresses on maintaining a healthy mind, body and spirit. For this the author advocates working ?to resolve any situations in my life that are emotionally intolerable. I will take steps in my life to know who I really am and explore my options to live up to my dreams and potential.?

Chapter V advises us to experience and expand our divine inner power, which will ?direct me towards my dreams.?

Chapter VI stresses on the need to build up a support system for life growth and dreams. Thus it is important to surround oneself with people who encourage spiritual growth and personal development.

Chapter VII talks of love, gratitude and forgiveness because ?I now know that when I forgive someone, I free myself from the bondage of pain. I release myself from this pain.?

Chapter VIII is based on discovering and pursuing one'sright livelihood because it ?is a great part of my journey and I know I have every opportunity to succeed.?

Chapter IX wants one to open oneself to the flow of the universe and share because ?sharing is the outflow, creating space for new expansive energy into my cycle. It is the cycle of universal abundance. I receive, give and receive again,? so as to create a cycle of blessings in life and in the lives of others.

Chapter X describes how to reinforce awakening to and connect with one'sdivine power because the ?steps on the path of awakening are the steps to a better life.? The author says that though there are various paths ?to the top of the mountain, I will choose my own path, listen to what resonates within me, and leave the rest.?

Chapter XI concludes by advising us to stand tall, live authentically, set boundaries and enjoy living in one'sdivine power. Here one needs to nourish one'slife through the practice of ?positive thinking, meditating, praying, communing with nature, attentive focus, and living in my truth?I allow divine energy to flow into my life and allow it to flow outwards as I share with others.? The author adds, ?I now choose to awaken to my divinity lovability and I declare my divine connection to God, the Source and All That Is?my life depends on it.?

This book is a practical guide in living a life of transition in an unfulfilling job, unsatisfactory relationships, or when unhappy, fearful or anxious or feeling sick and tired.

(Macmillan India Ltd, 2/10, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi-110002.)

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