The Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) activists staged a protest in Bangalore seeking removal of Karnataka State Women'sUniversity Vice-Chancellor Syeda Akhtar, who is facing charges of financial irregularities. Addressing the protesters, ABVP former All-India general secretary K.N. Raghunandan, said the Government was delaying removal of the Vice-Chancellor, who has been faulted by the S.R. Venkatesh Murthy Commission that looked into the financial irregularities. ?The Government is dismissing the finding on a technical ground and is contemplating to set up another inquiry commission to look into the issue,? he said. Shri Raghunandan said the Government was a mute spectator to Akhtar'sgross misuse of official power and disobeying the orders of the State Government. Recently, she went ahead with a Syndicate meeting disregarding the order of Principal Secretary, Department of Higher Education. He charged that Smt. Akhtar had violated the norms laid down by the University Grants Commission and Karnataka University Act on recruitment. Tejaswini Sriramesh, MP, said the delay on the part of State Government in replacing Smt. Akhtar was affecting the image of the university. The State Government should replace her with an able administrator. (FOC)
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