Building bridges with Pakistan, don't break the bridge of history and friendship between Bharat and Sri Lanka

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“Sethusamudram Project is nothing but an inhumanly cruel destruction of history, ecological balance, security and passage with Sri Lanka. By giving futile excuse of development of an Oceanic Canal saving sea fuel costs and time, Government of India is not only trampling on the ancient faith and history but also misleading India and endangering ecology, security and a living of lakhs of fishermen at South Indian coasts,? said VHP general secretary Dr Pravin Togadia. He criticised the very basis of the project where the ancient bridge between India'sRameshwaram and Sri Lanka is being broken by Government. He said those who question the faith of billions of Hindus that the said bridge is Ram Sethu, very vehemently do everything possible to protect Haji Ali shrine in the Mumbai Sea. The costliest flyover over the sea joining two parts of Mumbai has been diverted at a whooping extra cost only not to break Haji Ali. Same is the case with Hazratbal. Without questioning the faith or asking for the DNA report if the hair in that place belongs really to Paigambar, the same people have been aiding it for years. He further said the government is opening borders to Pakistan through rail, roads, bridged, trade but entirely cutting off the heritage bridge of trade, social contact and friendship with Sri Lanka.  (FOC)

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