Aharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS) launched Protest Week from July 16 to 23 against Special Economic Zones (SEZs) being established by government. During the week, dharnas and rallies will be organised all over the country. BMS All India leaders will address the dharnas and rallies. The BMS feels that the government in the name of SEZs, is acquiring the poor farmer'sfertile land at lower rates and giving it to big industrial houses. There is also a proposal to relax the labour laws, introduce Hire and Fire policy in SEZs and open the doors of victimisation of the workers in this area. Moreover, on account of tax exemptions in SEZs, tax revenue of crores of rupees is expected to be lost. BMS has demanded that a Regulatory Authority should be formed to go into the policy of SEZ. All political parties and trade unions also should be consulted and taken into confidence while framing the policy of SEZ, said a press statement released by BMS in New Delhi. (FOC)