Addressing the state leadership camp of the BJP at Malampuzha (Assembly Constituency of Chief Minister V.S. Achutanandan), Shri Balbir Punj, national secretary of the party and renowned columnist, said money power and numerical strength of Christians and Muslims are making the majority Hindus suffocated, trampled, strangulated and let down in the state. The time for finding a solution to this crisis is overdue, he added.
?The Hindus in Kerala are sandwiched between the rising terrorist mentality of Islamic fanatics and still continuing Christian conversation acts. The refusal to adopt family planning and widespread polygamy are creating population explosions with Muslim population rising at a alarming rate. This is being done with Arab money. Recently in Kerala, a major archbishop directed its followers to stop adopting family planning, since their number is coming down. Due to threats of both Islam and Christianity, there is every possibility of Hindu population going below 50 per cent. This will be a ?red alert? situation as they will be politically, socially, culturally, economically, educationally eliminated from the mainstream, which will be dictated by the minorities.?
Shri Punj stated: ?The people should be made aware of the disaster of both the Congress-led UDF and the CPM-led LDF. Both fronts which ruled alternately for 30 years have avoided the main problems of the state?failure of agriculture and absence of industrial growth, which have led to rising unemployment. While CPM is laying ?red carpet? to welcome Tatas to West Bengal, V.S. Achutanandan is showing ?red flag? to them in Kerala. This is a farce on people. The Basu-led West Bengal government drove out industries and Bengalis are roaming all over India for menial jobs.?
Shri Punj continued that both fronts are appeasing terrorist elements for vote banks. ?Both win on narrow margins of 2.5 per cent vote difference and this is done by placating anti-nationals like Madhani, NDF, SIMI, Jamaat-e-Islami and extremists like Sunni Kanthapuram Musliar. Madhani dominated two assembly polls of 2001 and 2006, with both Congress and CPM promising to get him released from Coimbatore Jail.?
Attacking the CPM, Shri Punj said, the party, which is the embodiment of corruption and muscle power, has no moral right to talk of ideology in politics. ?The CPM which collected crores from lottery scamsters and which abused and threatened editors and journalists, who exposed it, in filthiest languages, is a disgrace to democratic India. What is happening in Kerala is not Marxism or Communism but Stalinism. Its strategy of physical elimination of dissenters and opposers is leaving scores of RSS/BJP cadres brutally murdered.?
Shri Balbir Punj exhorted the BJP to unite and strengthen Hindus and inculcate nationalist thought in right-thinking Muslim and Christian youth.
In his presidential speech, Shri P.K. Krishnadas, BJP state president, hit out against the engineering/medical colleges run by minority institutions, which are denying admission to Hindus. He said this would lead to serious social imbalances and BJP would launch massive agitations against it. National executive member, Shri O. Rajagopal, former presidents Shri C.K. Padmanabhan, Shri P.S. Sreedharan Pillai, Shri K.V. Sreedharan Master etc. along with state and district officebearers of BJP and morchas attended the three-day camp which started from July 7.
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