Patriotic Indians are anguished that Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh'sproud claim that not one out of crores of Indian Muslims had been found to have links with global terrorist networks like Al-Queda and Talibans, has been belied by the involvement of three engineers and doctors from Bangalore in the failed terrorist attacks on Glasgow airport and London nightclub. If these terrorists are indeed Indians, as is now almost certain that they are, the myth perpetuated by our incorrigible ?secularists? that Indian Islam had nothing to do with global terrorism stands shattered. They repeatedly tell us that terrorists have no religion, yet there is over-whelming evidence to show that deep religiosity is the basis of political extremism. Global terrorism stems from sustained and motivated propaganda and insidious brand of religious zeal. Its appeal is sustained on religious dictates by the likes of Ayman al-Zawahiri who recently appeared on television to urge Muslims all over the world to join jehad to destroy ?enemies of Islam?. Yet another myth, sustained by our intellectuals? propensity to search for simple solutions to complex problems, that economic and educational backwardness drive Muslim youth to militancy stands exposed as what it is?a hollow theory?as all the three Indians who are part of the global terror network are well educated persons belonging to upper middle class families of the cyber city?Bangalore. Indian connection with global terrorism has shaken the conscience of the nation and several commentators belonging to the ?secular-liberal? brigade are now saying that the country will have to pay a heavy price if the real issue of home grown jehads is not honestly addressed and is obfuscated by blaming ?majority communalism? for the sorry state of affairs.
Investigations by government agencies have revealed disturbing information about these terrorists. Kafeel Ahmed, a post-graduate engineering student, told his family in India a day before he drove a burning jeep into the Glasgow terminal that his first presentation was unsuccessful?presumably a reference to his failed attempt at London?and asking them to pray for him as he was going to face a ?difficult examination?. The police have seized several CDs containing jehadi material from his house in Bangalore where he spent six months before leaving for UK on May 5. He had organised a meeting in the city on Chechnya during his stay in India. Kafeel'sfriends describe him as extremely intelligent, articulate and confident and passionate about his convictions that Islam and democracy can'tbe reconciled and his anger over situation in Chechnya and Bosnia. The stark reality that emerges from these revelations is that besides educationally and economically backward Muslims, highly educated, ideologically motivated and upper middle class sections of the community, have been suck into global terrorism. Is there still any doubt about global jehad growing roots in India?
However, our ?secular? crowd and the Indian state remain in perpetual denial. The Prime Minister cautions the country not to brand any community. He spent a sleepless night after watching mother of Kafil Ahmed break down on national television. Our emotional Prime Minister'sempathy with the mother of a jehadi is indeed pathetic. One would like to know if he lost sleep over the agony of mothers of 200 innocent citizens who perished in the serial bomb blasts in suburban trains on 7/11 last year. Did he spend one sleepless night over the plight of thousands and thousands of Kashmiri Pundits who are living as refugees in their own land after they were driven out of the Valley by jehadi elements in a bid to cleanse Kashmir of ?Indians?? Why is it that suspects in a dastardly terror attack are treated with kid gloves and are perceived to be harassed if they belong to a minority community, read Muslim? Why has this ?sensitive and secular? Government failed to get conviction of any jehadi in terror attacks during the past three years? To say that this Government is soft towards terrorists is only a half-truth. To tell the truth, this Government has communalised the war against terrorism because of its patronizing blindness towards the jehadi elements in search for vote banks. The investigating and security agencies have not missed the message this Government has sent around. They know it is too risky to vigorously investigate cases of terrorist attacks for they are more likely to be blamed by the powers that be for ?harassing? the minorities.
This is what exactly happened during investigations into the 7/11 serial blasts. There was ?secular? hue and cry that innocent Muslims were being harassed. The government agencies were advised to be more careful lest the community should be further alienated. The result is that intensive investigations and aggressive interrogation of suspect groups were given up. This is what has happened in other cases of jehadi terror. Consequently, there has not been a single conviction of any jehadi during the tenure of this Government. Its patronizing blindness towards jehadis has allowed the homegrown terrorists with global links to play havoc with internal security.
BJP-led NDA was under attack for its failure to decimate terrorism during its six year rule, particularly so because it came to power on the promise of ?suraksha??security. Although terrorism was contained to a certain extent in J&K, there were numerous security lapses and the entire nation was shocked when jehadis attacked Parliament House.
The security forces eliminated terrorists who managed to enter the Parliament complex and the conspirators were traced, prosecuted and eventually convicted by the courts. It is quiet another matter that the UPA Government is taking its own time to dispose of the mercy appeal of Afzal whose death sentence was confirmed by Supreme Court of India. So far as NDA Government is concerned, it did evolve a pro-active approach in dealing with jehadi terrorism. Security agencies busted a large number of ISI modules operating in the country and there was a marked improvement in the security scenario. The situation under the present dispensation has undergone a dramatic change. Investigating and security agencies are blamed for harassing innocent people, if they interrogate any suspect if he happens to be a Muslim. It would be wrong to perceive a person to be a terrorist if he is a Muslim and equally wrong to treat him innocent just because he is a Muslim. The Government must overcome its obsession with vote banks to be able to look honestly at factories that manufacture jehadis if the country is to achieve any success in weeding out terrorism.