Third year OTC of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) began in Nagpur on May 7. A total of 830 tarun swayamsevaks from 11 Kshetras are participating in the 30-day training camp. The highest number of swayamsevaks are participating from Madhya Bharat Prant and the lowest representation is from Jammu & Kashmir. The OTC has representation from all sections of the society like advocates, doctors, professors, teachers, journalists, businessmen, farmers, industrialists, etc. Various kinds of training is imparted at the Varga from 4.30 am to 10.15 pm.
With a view to impart organisational training, OTCs are organised across the country by RSS every year. The first-year training camps are organised in the Prants itself, while the second-year camps are organised at the Kshetra level. Only the third-year OTC is organised at the all India level and in Nagpur alone. The swayamsevaks below the age of 40 years participate in this training camp in Nagpur. The camp for the swayamsevaks of above the age of 40 years is organised in Nagpur in winters.
Shrikrishna Maheshwari, a businessman from Satana, Madhya Pradesh, is Sarvadhikari of the Varga. Shri Vijay Kumar of Delhi is Varga Karyavah. Shrikrishna Motlang of West Bengal is Palak Adhikari. Shri Durg Singh of Rajasthan is Mukhya Shikshak. Shri Shrish Bhedsgavkar is Bauddhik Pramukh. Shri Bhaskarrao Kulkarni of Assam is Sewa Pramukh and Shri Dilip Hadage is Shivir Vyasthapramukh.
The Varga was inaugurated on May 8 at 5.00 am. Speaking at the inaugural ceremony Shri Bhaiyaji Joshi, Sahsarkaryavah, said the ground where the Varga began is tapasthali of the Sangh. Every swayamsevak has immense respect to it. ?Though the workers bloom in their respective working fields, they come here unitedly to get additional training. The Sangh work is a sadhana. We may face various difficulties while performing this sadhana. Whatever problems block our way, we have to move ahead as it is the God'swork. We repeat it in our daily prayer at the shakha. We have to dedicate ourselves to the Sangh work without fearing, only then the objective of organising this Varga will be achieved,? he added. (VSK, Nagpur)
Number of swayamsevaks participating in the third year OTC