More than 12 lakh Delhiites participated in the Hindu sammelans organised for Hindu awakening in the national capital during the birth centenary of Shri Guruji. Besides the leaders of 27 communities of Delhi, political leaders of various political parties also participated in those sammelans. Delhi Pradesh Congress President Shri Rambabu Sharma participated in a Hindu sammelan in Mansarovar Park, Shahadra, and stressed the need for unity among Hindus. He said only a untied society can face the challenges of time. A Congress Councillor from Trinagar, Smt. Anuja Popali, participated in a tree-plantation function.
According to Shri Mukesh Kumar, secretary of Shri Guruji Birth Centenary Year Celebration Committee, Delhi, a total of 150 Hindu sammelans were organised in Delhi in which more than 12 lakh people participated. A total of 122 social harmony meets were organised in which more than 6,000 people representing various castes and communities participated. In 52 religious leaders meets, a total of 1,200 saints participated. At one place the saints represented 12 communities. A total of 950 intellectual meets were organised in which 32,000 intellectuals participated. Forty-seven college students meets were also organised in which more than 5,000 students participated. Two special meetings were organised in Jawaharlal Nehru University and Delhi University.
In Delhi alone, 2000 sets of Shri Guruji Samagra were sold. About 25,000 copies of brief like sketches of Shri Guruji were also sold. In the 27 other symposiums, doctors, painters, sports-persons, judges and literary persons participated. In a sports meet, cricketer-turned politicians Shri Navjot Singh Sidhu and Shri Chetan Chauhan, Shri Mahasingh, Dronacharya Awardee for Wrestling, Shri Balwant Singh, Dronacharya Awardee for Volleyball, Shri Gurucharan Singh, Dronacharya Awardee for Cricket and Smt. Indu Puri, the Table Tennis player, participated.
A seminar on national security was also organised at Chanakyapuri in which senior retired officers from army, police and other defence forces participated. Besides various senior politicians and bureaucrats RSS Sarsanghachalak Shri K.S. Sudarshan was also present. A tree-plantation drive was undertaken in Delhi. Five blood donation camps were organised in which more than 300 swayamsevaks donated blood. Samarasata Daur was organised at 15 places. The centenary celebration concluded in Delhi on December 3, 2006. (FOC)
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