A grand Hindu Sammelan was organised at Rohini in Delhi on October 2 to celebrate birth centenary of Shri Guruji. Besides the distinguished guests, prominent people from the local society were also present on the occasion. Shri Amarnath Dogra, national secretary of Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh, presided over the Sammelan.
The audience was spell bound and delighted to hear the Tiranga poem recited by ?Laughter Challenge? fame Shri Pratap Fauzdar. The poem, Shahidon ko Pranam by Shri Gajender Solanki was also appreciated by the audience. Shri Lajpat Rai ?Vikat? from Dhanbad presented the life of Shri Guruji in a poem. People started dancing when famous singer Shri Sanjay Prabhakar presented the song, Ramji ki sena chali.
Dr Surendra Jain, central secretary of VHP said those who are called weaker sections today have really protected the Hindu society from onslaughts. They suffered various atrocities but did not leave their way of worship, he added. Mahant Naval Kishore Das said the number of right thinking people is decreasing in the society. He said the people with positive thinking should come forward to defeat the evil forces.
Noted economist Dr Bajrang Lal Gupt advised the Hindu society to work according to the path given by Shri Guruji.
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