We saw this in evidence during the Vande Mataram controversy where editors and presenters failed to distinguish between objectivity and neutrality. It is the dharma of editors to be objective but this does not impose an obligation on them to be neutral in the battle between separatism and nationalism.
My own experience suggests that breaking the stultifying liberal consensus is a daily exercise in guerrilla warfare. In the aftermath of globalisation, the liberal consensus has veered round to a contrived expression of cosmopolitanism.
Fond belief that competitive democracy would force publications to recognise the force of Hindu disquiet has turned out to be horribly misplaced. The term of the NDA Government, for example, saw yesterday's pro-Congress newspapers being feted and flattered by representatives of the very government whose formation they had so uncompromisingly resisted.
I have been approached by numerous individuals seeking redress to what they see as an enduring media problem?the ?anti-Hindu? bias of both the print and electronic media.