Bajrang Dal has made grand preparations to celebrate the centenary of Vande Mataram throughout the year. Talking to Organiser in New Delhi, Shri Prakash Sharma, national convenor of Bajrang Dal, said the youth wing of VHP would observe September 7 as Vande Mataram day all over the country. Vande Mataram will be sung on this day at all district centres to pay tributes to the revolutionaries who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of the country. Shri Sharma said the Bajrang Dal would distribute literature in schools and colleges throughout the year to apprise students of the great song and its role during the freedom movement. Symposiums, seminars and Vande Mataram singing competitions will also be organised at different places. Shri Sharma informed a campaign would also be launched to expose those who are opposing the national song. He pointed out that besides the Vande Matarm, the birth centenary of Chandrashekhar Azad also falls this year and Bajrang Dal would also celebrate it with same vigour and spirit.
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