By Ashoke Dasgupta
Marxist economy finds no place in the world today. Marxist economic policies and socio-political regimented doctrines are not considered to be worthy of serious persuasion. Russia, China, all East European countries, Vietnam, and Combodia that once had communist regimes became totally disillusioned with the unscientific, repressive economic and social policies of Marxism through their appalling experiences (1917 to 1970). The communist claim of emancipation of the toiling masses proved to be a lie. Today Marxism is just a historical word.
But, peculiar as it may sound, two political parties named after Marxism have been acting as if the two are the only principled political forces in India and they often project a ?holier than thou? profile of themselves. Such obsession apart, now they have started devising tactics to button the UPA government led by Sonia'sparty as a price for providing a prop. While enjoying a passport to all political and material advantages of being a part of the coalition government, at the Centre, the two parties are on to one upmanship. The communist manoeuvre has a stranglehold on the Union government. It is a skill at deceiving people while enjoying all advantages of being in the government, without sharing the liabilities of its failures, errors, omissions and commissions. Such abject opportunism is being exhibited by the CPI and CPM. Both vow by the principles of Machiavellian manoeuvring.
Marxism is dead for all the people of the world except the communists of India. This exception is based on lip service alone, the duo (parties) wage no struggle for socialism?hence the duo are deadwood Marxists; Marxism is dead for them also. When Marxism is dead what happens to those beings? Marxists do not believe in the soul; hence, as they are soulless, their sensitivity rests only on the ?being? as per Marxism. If Marxism is dead, they too would have been dead had they any soul. Hence, the two communist parties happen to be the peculiar parties?split from the old CPI?initiated by baneful colonial-imperialists falsely professiong a faint trace?the ghost of a smile?of so-called socialism. So they first betrayed national interest from its very initiation under the aegis of British imperialists in India. All that the CPI did, in its agitprop syndrome politics till 1947, was to serve British authority in India. Thereafter, since 1947, they have been in service of the Nehru-Gandhi family'spolitical feudalism.
The communist manoeuvre has a stranglehold on the Union government. It is a skill at deceiving people while enjoying all advantages of being in the government, without sharing the liabilities of its failures, errors, omissions and commissions.
It is amusing to conjecture that the two parties, while discordant with the basics of Marxism, address themselves as communist or Marxist parties. No programme of theirs, even in West Bengal and Tripura where they happen to have clung to the seat of governance for 27 and 17 years, respectively, at a stretch comes even to the proximity of elementary form of socialism. The magic point then is: The parties that live far away from socialism-communism are the communist parties!
Once a political party commits itself to Marxism, it has to wage political class struggle for the establishment of socialism. The two communist parties minus policies to achieve socialism are, in this way of assessment, two ghost parties that deceitfully exhibit as if they have not bonded themselves in a coalition submitting themselves to the hegemony of Sonia'sparty. (Congress party has simply been reduced to a personal party of Soniaji)
The only source of strength of the two aberrant parties is their long tenure in West Bengal. The rigging mechanism in electoral process in West Bengal is the lifeline of the two ghost parties. Once the rigging mechanism in electoral process in West Bengal is dismantled, gone will be the days for political brokering in the Union government.
The economy of West Bengal has been made solvent in the last 30 years; influx of Bangladeshi Muslims who have already formed eight to 10 per cent of the total population of the State has been purposefully encouraged simply for petty vote-bank strategy.
The economy of West Bengal has been made solvent in the last 30 years; influx of Bangladeshi Muslims who have already formed eight to 10 per cent of the total population of the State has been purposefully encouraged simply for petty vote bank strategy; the whole education system in West Bengal has been made a beaten track for Marxist cadres; peasants of the State have been dying of malnutrition and starvation; youth from peasant families, finding no alternative to earn a livelihood, have been moving towards the towns and city suburbs thus speedily adding to the number of people without a regular profession; nefarious crimes against women is becoming a recurrent event, educated and semi-skilled unemployed have swelled to more than seven million besides the uneducated unskilled unemployed in a total population of less than 80 million?all indicating in a nutshell what the State has been reduced to under the Marxist regime. Red flags flutter all along the streets in the State, yet no one finds any programme for socialism! Forget socialism, the Red flag protects and assists the vandals of real estate, fundlords and panchayat project lords. The Red flag has been reduced to a mere piece of red cloth as a means of virtual perception of threat to the people.
Marxists know Marxism is dead. Yet they bear it on their shoulders because even the coffin of Marxism is the object that assures them, they think, of some political relevance.
Coalition government at the Centre under the stranglehold of the ghost Marxists who are worse than the bygone Marxists, has been creating such a political conglomerate which will lead the government to act to the detriment of national interest.
But, then, there looms a large danger for the nation from such political turncoats because the Sonia party is no longer a political party that has command over the masses. For the first time in democratic India the Prime Minister, Home Minister, External Affairs Minister, Parliamentary Affairs Minister and some other ministers too have not been elected by the people. All of them have come to Parliament through the Rajya Sabha. People of the constituency from where Shivraj Patil is a candidate, refused to elect him. He was sworn in as Home Minister, though.
Such a Sonia'sparty, having less and less sway over the vast masses is in governance at the Centre in league with the ghost Marxists. Thus a weak, aimless Sonia party'scoalition government at the Centre under the stranglehold of the ghost Marxists who are worse than the bygone Marxists, has been creating such a political conglomerate which will lead the government to act to the detriment of national interest. The line of action the Union government now pursues on issues of Kashmir, Nepal, atomic energy agreement with the US, IMDT Act in Assam, soft treading on Pak specific issues, leniency to medieval anti-democratic torture on Muslim women by the fundamentalist Muslim clerics, communists and Nehruvians (Smt. Girija Vyas'sstatement as Chairperson of NWC on Imrana issue, etc.)?all these and many others illustrate how the coalition of Sonia'sparty and the parties of the apparition of Marxism are weakening gover-nance and making the State a soft state which may be the initial steps to becoming a banana republic.