In March 2002 at the Thiruvananthpuram convention when this golden jubilee conference was planned, nobody had imagined that it would be held in the absence of Dattopant Thengadi. This was the first conference which was organised without Thengadiji. Every delegate, leader and even the leaders of other trade unions who were present at the conference as special invitees, paid their respect to him. The venue was named as Dattopant Thengadi Nagar and his famous quotes were installed at different places. A picture of Thengadiji was installed at the dais which moved the participants present. Not only Shri Hashubhai Dave, Ramanbhai Shah, Girish Aswasthi remembered Thengadiji, special invitees such as Shri Tapan Sen, general secretary, CITU, Shri Harbhajan Singh, Delhi president of HMS, R.K. Sharma, general secretary of UTUC (L) and Shri Shyam Singh Chauhan, national secretary of INTUC also paid their tributes to the great trade union leader.
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