Debate Communists work as agents of communalists

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By Dr Babu Suseelan
The nexus between Communists and Muslim fundamentalists in India has been growing for some years and has reached the point to become a major threatening force in Kerala and West Bengal. The Communist Party in Kerala and West Bengal is working day and night in collusion with Jehadi terrorists towards ultimate destruction of the Hindu society. The party has created a core group of terrorists to attack Hindu cultural institutions, spiritual leaders, destroy Hindu temples and tear apart the social fabric.

This hard-core terrorist group is small, compact, and highly mobile that it can strike quickly with great furry. The select group of fanatics are constantly whipped into a state of frenzied enthusiasm with anti-Hindu rhetoric and thought control. Each day for this fanatic group is a day for attack preparation and dress rehearsal when they hope to come to power and wipe out Hindus from their own country. Every opportunity is used for infiltration, sabotage, murder, loot, intimidation, penetration and subversion.

The communists also recruit pseudo secularists to serve in their front organisations. The value of fellow travellers and sympathisers lies in their status in society. They serve as behind-the-scene manipulators and misdirect innocent Hindus from their cultural ethos. They serve the communist front organisations such as minority rights groups, human rights watch, civil liberty committees and women'sleagues. By allowing them to be used as tools, fellow travellers and communist sympathisers have immeasurably advanced communist-Jehadi anti-Hindu agenda. They have a powerful influence in the ?thought-moulding? field.

They serve the communist front organisations such as minority rights groups, human rights watch, civil liberty committees and women'sleagues. By allowing them to be used as tools, fellow travellers and communist sympathisers have immeasurably advanced communist-Jehadi anti-Hindu agenda.

These fellow travellers can be seen as teachers, scriptwriters, reporters, and news analysts. They exert considerable influence in Kerala and West Bengal in destroying Hindu society and thereby injuring the nation. The success of their mission depends on capturing Hindu strongholds from within. To this end they employ a variety of techniques. They have long followed the practice of making full use of Hindu tolerance and pluralism. These fanatics make use of free speech, agitation, press and assembly. They also use illegal methods, such as underground operations, terrorism, selective killing and espionage. Influenced by the communist-Jehadi thought control system, several innocent Hindus have been swept into their tight net. These Hindu victims see only the exterior or false face of communism and Jehad. They are slow in understanding the terror, injustice and slavery perpetuated by the Jehadi-communist group. Time after time, in almost unbelievable fashion, these deceived pseudo secular Hindus somehow or, other under the influence of thought control, do their dirty work.

How can we, as Hindus protect their religious heritage, cultural tradition, value system and society from the communist-Jehadi nexus?

First, the Hindus should not fall for ?fronts?. Second, Hindus should not allow Jehadis, communists and pseudo-secularists to disarm and confuse the innocent Hindus. Hindus should learn to be assertive, proud of their sacred heritage and be able to spot such fellow travellers and isolate them.

Finally, practice of Hindu rituals, preservation of spiritual tradition, protect Hindu temples and promotion of Hindu unity are extremely essential. The Hindus should use their political might to further the Hindu political power and Hindu way of life and not allow the Jehadis and communists to steal these from them.

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