Speaking on the occasion, Mirza Vasim Ahmed, secretary of Jamat-e-Aha-media, said that his organisation had close relations with Ram Prakash Prabhakar. Shri Navajot Singh Siddhu, BJP MP from Gurdaspur, said that the new generation should drive inspiration from the life of Ram Prakash Prabhakar.
Besides hundreds of dignitaries from Pubjab, prominent among those who were present on the occasion included Shri Brij Bhushan Singh Bedi, Punjab Prant Sanghchalak, Shri S.N. Bansal, Delhi Prant Sanghchalak, Smt. Kaushlya Prabha-kar, widow of Ram Prakash Prabhakar, Dr Harsh Vardhan, Delhi BJP president, Prof. Jagdish Mukhi, leader of the Opposition in Delhi Assembly, Shri Santosh Taneja, Managing Director, Bharat Prakashan (Delhi) Ltd.