Shrinivas Vaman, popularly known as Aaba Kulkarni, was honoured with the Jansewa Puraskar for his outstanding services to lepers. The Puraskar, initiated by Jansewa Cooperative Bank, Pune, comprises a cash award of Rs 25,000, a memento, a shawl and a coconut and was presented by Shri Niranjan Pandya, Executive Director of Pune Blind Men’s Association. Shri Aaba Kulkarni has been working among lepers since 1990 at Talegaon-Dabhade in Pune district of Maharashtra. Shri Suhasrao Hirematha, Prant Pracharak, Pashchim Maharasthra, was the chief speaker on the occasion. Prominent among those who were present on the occasion were Smt. Amita, wife of Aaba Kulkarni, Shri Mukund Purandare, chairman of the bank, Shri Premchand Mehta, chief executive officer of the bank, Shri Ravindra Kane, vice chairman and Smt. Manjari Dhamankar.