By Abhishek R. Keshav
Continuing our debate on the role of English in India, we present here more articles received in response to the open forum dated July 4, 2004.
There is an urgent need to dismantle the use of English language in our country. This is a desperate want of a civilisation buried to the neck in Anglomania and colonial hangovers. Whatever may be the arguments in favour of English, the fact remains that English language, alongwith English culture and its so-called moral system, is totally alien to Bharat and which was imposed upon us by one Macaulay. Nothing English nor Western has any connection whatsoever with Bharatvarsha at all. Western nations, alongwith Australia and New Zealand, are the main countries associated with English language. All these countries are thousands of miles away from Bharat. Even in South Africa where the whites still live, the local languages like Afrikaans and Zulu are very much in use. There, Afrikaans (along with English) is the official language.
In Bharat, the white colonialists created divisions within the society and brutally exploited them. All these divisions are very much the result of the Macaulay system. Thus, thanks to this system, an English-speaking, English-mannered ?elite? division of the people was created, which unfortunately exists even today mostly in the form of so-called secularists, communists and Christians. The Macaulay system, of course, had taught the student that to be Indian or Hindu was to be an ?obscurantist?, ?anti-modern? and what not. These very words are brandished by our anti-Hindu media even today.
It is because of the Macaulay system that Indians so far have put down any and every Indian language and have established English as ?supreme?. Thus we see Macaulay'sdream of anglicising Bharat being lived out even today by the so-called ?elite? and ?secular? population of this country.
Use of Sanskrit will make Hinduism strong, dynamic, youthful and vibrant. All our scriptures will be available to one and all without any language barrier.
All this points to just one solution to these English-supremacy theories: Ban English. This is just a step in saving Hindustan from self-destruction.
If we want a real national language, then we have Sanskrit. In Israel and USA, for instance, there is a craze among the Jews to learn and use Hebrew as it is their ancient language. In fact, Hebrew is the official language of Israel.
Sanskrit has to be made the official language of Bharat. Why? We have nothing to lose, and Sanskrit is the most fully and completely developed language of this modern world. It has also been verified that it is the best language for use in software. So why not use this ancient and awesome language in our daily business and government affairs instead of letting it rot in some museum of ancient history? In fact, Sanskrit will have the greatest unifying effect upon our country as it is claimed to be their very own language by the people right down from Kashmir to Kanyakumari.
By making Sanskrit the official language, we will be able to restore the Hindu civilisation to its utmost glory. It also has the aspect of psychology too: Use of English makes us feel inferior to the whites and the Christians. So, we will never go ahead or get anywhere. Whereas by use of Sanskrit we will feel part and parcel of this glorious civilisation of the Hindus and all pangs of separation from our history will vanish. Also, Bharat will progress because of this zeal and confidence infused by the Sanskrit language in us. These are the facts acknowledged by the one billion people of Bharat. We can'tlet the so-called opinion of a few bigoted ?historians? or so-called ?intellectuals? or media-hacks cloud our view.
Hinduism has for long been associated with self-effacing, sloth-like and shy inwardliness. This is due to the efforts of ?worthies? like Nehru and others of his ilk. Use of Sanskrit will make Hinduism strong, dynamic, youthful and vibrant. All our scriptures will be available to one and all without any language barrier.
Also, we must consider Bharat'sposition in the international arena. We are seen as some sheepish and cowardly country in the world. To assume a more aggressive and potent stance, we have to adopt this measure. In countries like Japan, China or even Saudi Arabia, it is seen to be shameful and disgraceful to use English or to identify oneself with English or Western culture. ?India? (which truly is Bharat) is the only country in the whole of Asia with such people who claim to be ?English-speaking? or identify themselves with ?English culture?. This is more or less a mockery on the whole of the indigenous Asian continent. I feel ashamed to see some Indian reporter on CNN or BBC struggling to pronounce English words with an accent. Why should we Indians be hell bent upon using this devilish tongue, known as English? Why do we stupidly try in vain to blindly follow the whites? I just can'tstomach this. Indians have to realise that they are Indian, not European, American or Chinese. Being Indian, it naturally beckons us to use an Indian tongue; not an alien tongue. This shameless, self-effacing and pathetic slavish acceptance of the white man'sword will soon drag this country into the dark ages.
Communism and Christia-nity, two of the vilest Western ideologies, thrive only in Bharat. But they are dreaded in the rest of the world. So, at least to be in tune with the times, we have to reject English.
Thus, the final verdict should be: Ban English and make Sanskrit the offical language of this great country; otherwise, Bharat, alongwith its indigenous culture and civilisation, is doomed to slavery and self-destruction.
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