Laghu Udyog Bharati (LUB), an apex body fighting for the cause of small-scale industries (SSIs) all over the country, has urged Finance Minister, P. Chidambaram to abolish the Central excise duty on SSI units. It also suggested changes in the slab structure for imposing excise duty besides incorporating changes in the tariff schedule by making it 5 per cent up to Rs two crore and 10 per cent between Rs two crore and five crore.
In its pre-budget submission to the Finance Minister, LUB president, Balwant Rai Mehta, demanded that the excise exemption limit for the SSIs should be increased from Rs one crore to Rs 1.5 crore as there had been an overall increase in the cost of all inputs, including wages. He also urged the government to withdraw the taxable items produced by the SSI units from the scope of MRP-based excise duty to save them from the ?inspector raj?. (FOC)