The Mumbai unit of VHP organised an anti-terrorism meet in Mumbai to protest against the killing of its two workers, Navinchand Dube and Hauslaprasad Upadhayaya, on March 20 by some Muslim miscreants. Dr Surendra Jain, central secretary of VHP was the chief speaker at the meeting. The local administration tried its best to foil the meet by not giving permission till the last day. But following public pressure, it had to relent and that too only after changing the venue. Despite it all, a large number of people turned up to make the meet a success. Dr Jain termed Islamic terrorism as a threat to the whole world. He asked the government to take stern steps to destroy the terrorist training camps and also the madrasas, which are being used as prime hideouts for sheltering terrorists. Speaking on the occasion, Prof. Vyankatesh Abadev, regional secretary of VHP, said that the members of the Pathan family that allegedly killed the VHP workers were hardcore criminals of Mumbai. He also demanded that senior Police Inspector Chavan, the co-accused in the case, should be punished for refusing to provide police protection to the deceased VHP workers, who had informed the police in writing that they feared for their lives. The police totally ignored their complaint and after a few days the VHP workers were killed allegedly by Islamic miscreants. Wife of deceased Navinchand Dube and son of H.P. Upadhayaya were also present at the meeting. (FOC)
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