In Kerala, the communists fought tooth and nail against the ruling Congress Party and succeeded in reducing it to bits and pieces. But suddenly after 5 p.m. on May 10, the Left parties were showing bonhomie with the same party.
How do they expect us to forget the splendid achievements?atomic tests, missiles, technological advances, IT revolution, financial stability coupled with worldwide recognition as an economic super power and the person who enthralled the youth of the country by playing cricket for peace?
The ordinary citizens of this nation are proud of this great man. If the Leftists shed their narrow mindedness, if they clear their jaundiced eyes, if they keep aside their ego and think nationally and in the interest of the nation, they will not commit the greatest blunder of the century.
It is not only a blunder, but it is going to be a national shame. They will be known in the history of the period as the ?21st century incarnations? of Mir Sadiqs and Jaychands. Their own children would despise them. ?VSK